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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

Has anyone here tried vaping this through water, or carefully placed amounts of 5-10mg guaranteed pure crystal/powder, inside the bowl of a bong, flame danced with grade A weed?

I am dying to know how this method works after passing through water, and combined with high quality weed, preferrably gets stoned first, or understands the dopamine synergy that occurs when smoking weed on stimulants, and smokes threshold amounts to feel uplifted, not smoking like a batshit lunatic, 20 huge bowls an hour..... you know, responsible users who fundamentally understand the chemistry behind this type of drug reaction im talking about, any feedback would highly be appreciated and anticipated, if there is none I will be sure to provide it A.S.A.P.

BTW I use a replica dupont lighter for vaping, as i find these lighters very engineered and professional for this purpose, making vaping of whatever it is you vape easily about 80% more efficient. ;D
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Steew, how would you compare vaping 1g in that amount of time, to vaping any other stimulants, in terms of whatever it is you want to achieve in that time frame?
Steew, how would you compare vaping 1g in that amount of time, to vaping any other stimulants, in terms of whatever it is you want to achieve in that time frame?

Never vaped any other stimulants apart from smoking crack. I generally vape 100mg at a time, as its relatively short acting at low doses, i top up every hour or so. Because the drugs efffects are good at creating distraction, sometimes ill find myself taking 30 minutes plus to get thru a plate. Theres a sweet spot that the top ups can hold you at for a good few hours, but the more you redose, the more it accumulates increasing the length of action and unwanted side effects in a similar manner to speed and mdma/mda
Has anyone here tried vaping this through water, or carefully placed amounts of 5-10mg guaranteed pure crystal/powder, inside the bowl of a bong, flame danced with grade A weed?

I am dying to know how this method works after passing through water, and combined with high quality weed, preferrably gets stoned first, or understands the dopamine synergy that occurs when smoking weed on stimulants, and smokes threshold amounts to feel uplifted, not smoking like a batshit lunatic, 20 huge bowls an hour..... you know, responsible users who fundamentally understand the chemistry behind this type of drug reaction im talking about, any feedback would highly be appreciated and anticipated, if there is none I will be sure to provide it A.S.A.P.

BTW I use a replica dupont lighter for vaping, as i find these lighters very engineered and professional for this purpose, making vaping of whatever it is you vape easily about 80% more efficient. ;D

I wouldnt, it melts and vaporises at a relatively low temperature - you will just end up burning and wasting it. Chase the plastic dragon or just parachute it - then chase it down with a nice bong afterwards.
Haha yes I am well aware of that, there is a way though, I will explain sometime.

Your description by the way is giving me a hard on for this substance, I wish i got it alot sooner, seems highly promising from your comparison, and stated experience, and you use this amount weekly, great stuff, thanks for that info!
I read Although there is no stim dick I have read and in small doses it could be used for sex.

Also does it bring out good ideas like normal amphets would?

Any euphoria? or is it like MPA?
well, first time done 10 mins ago, waiting to see how it goes :) stee I know you said no nose, but for first time I thought why not but see what you mean about burn, still feeling it!
If he's like many of us, he won't think much at first, but try it again and enjoy it more and more each time, experiment with ROA and dose until he finds his sweet spot. Eventually he might end up echoing myself, Cr00k, FUBAR and Foolsgold with the notion that this chemical is unique, in a highly addictive, insidious way.

YMMV and all that.

And for the sake of hypocrisy, I have 3.5 grams ordered after swearing never to touch it again...
Hey, I took it and within about half an hour I fell asleep - no kidding and woke about 2 hours later feeling groggy but within a few minutes really perked up and have been feeling good since. Haven't taken any more but may do shortly to see if the same happens again. Need to get some work done though so in two minds about that :) got 5g so plenty to test out over the next week or so

... so I took the 2nd and 3rd doses (talking like 20/25mg each time only) in quite quick succession and am working away on my work like I've not done in awhile... pleased to see that and can feel the recreation benefits when I go for a smoke etc but am able to keep the concentration on what I need to do at the same time, and write on various posts on here too while I am at it... looks promising, but jury will be out for awhile :)
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If this stuff is at least for me, just better then caffeine, that speaks worlds, I would rather do meth then caffeine daily, its not even the euphoria, I find just a mood lift upon your current state, is mainly where euphoria comes from imo, the more i do and get done, and the healthier i feel, no jitters, and looking after myself, the better uppers become for me.

Caffeine on the other hand, is physically shit for me i believe, and since stronger compounds, I believe I can kill myself with this stuff, before i will ever feel legit on it again, so I rather just avoid it, and not have those mood swings/headaches, and choppy up and downs, prob some kind of underlying mental illness haha.
Just my 2 cents so far, from what I have gathered and assume so far, low doses of this stuff are more performance enchancing then for weight loss, with low abuse potential, but then in higher doses becomes more like a MDMA/mephedrone roll, with moreishness, so on this basis, I will try binging in both ways, one over a period of weeks just for performance, and one where im just getting wrecked.
add around the same volume of ether, seal and shake like crazy for 10 mins
While this is a great explanation of how to perform a/b extractions on (most) street drugs and is probably appreciated by many, I'd like to point out that shaking anything with ether in it "like crazy" can quite literally backfire. The high vapor pressure of ether will cause a lot of ether to evaporate which can be 'problematic' in an enclosed space.

Also make surre that there are NO electric devices whatsoever present unless they are 'explosion proof'. If someone had told me electric devices can ignite solvent fumes, I would not have spent time on an ICU for burn victims back in 2007 after inflicting burns that covered 12% of my body surface. Better take this shit seriously, however routined you may be, these things DO happen.
Has anyone else noticed that after the 3rd / 4th dose this really loses it's magic? dosed repeatedly throughout the day yesterday and by 2am i wasn't getting anything out of it.

Also just a random question:- do we know if this has any serotonin reuptake/releasing activity? Just wondering as I have been put on SSRIs and don't fancy serotonin syndrome
Yeah, returns diminish rapidly with 3-FPM.
Its parent compound is a DRA, it is generally assumed that 3-F exhibits the same MOA. LBA values for 3-FPM indicate a predominantly DA/NE based activity, with affinity for SE being minimal in comparison, however, this is disputed by some. Also, there is no telling if a metabolic product is active at SERT and thus I wouldn't risk mixing with an SSRI.
I hear what you say but I have been taking it for all of 1 day so not a long trial alongside 200mg Zoloft (which is top dose) and feel no negatives mentally at all. Just feels like an alternative to the ethylphenidate I took by the bucket load alongside the SSRI in the past year or so. I'm no doctor though so don't quote me on it being ok :)
Yeah, returns diminish rapidly with 3-FPM.
Its parent compound is a DRA, it is generally assumed that 3-F exhibits the same MOA. LBA values for 3-FPM indicate a predominantly DA/NE based activity, with affinity for SE being minimal in comparison, however, this is disputed by some. Also, there is no telling if a metabolic product is active at SERT and thus I wouldn't risk mixing with an SSRI.

Sometimes, I wish i was clever. Ive been taking this 3-fpm and yet I have no idea what its doing to me all I know is I like it. I dont know what any of the above means or what a serotonin reuptake/release is.....or ssri. I am happy to take the abuse but could anyone let me know what all (any?) of this means cos I take this stuff.....have just ordered more and would like to know wht its doing to me, Once again, apologies for being a dimwit but I really am not very clever and just want to know what could happen and what reuptakes etc are.
While this is a great explanation of how to perform a/b extractions on (most) street drugs and is probably appreciated by many, I'd like to point out that shaking anything with ether in it "like crazy" can quite literally backfire. The high vapor pressure of ether will cause a lot of ether to evaporate which can be 'problematic' in an enclosed space.

Also make surre that there are NO electric devices whatsoever present unless they are 'explosion proof'. If someone had told me electric devices can ignite solvent fumes, I would not have spent time on an ICU for burn victims back in 2007 after inflicting burns that covered 12% of my body surface. Better take this shit seriously, however routined you may be, these things DO happen.
Thanks yeah, I meant to mention that in my ether warning. Cheers for pointing it out.

I'd also like to point out ether can form explosive peroxides when exposed to certain conditions, storing over NaOH will precipitated them. Like I said, don't play with ether if you're not experienced in it's nature.
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Very good point crook, and awesome info rugged, crook even made a point I never really thought of, even using 100% pure alcohol/ethyl alcohol, and heating that to the point of vapors so it can evaporate, can be just as dangerous, always use a strong fan and keep the room well ventilated, and that part about explosive proof electrical goods.
deemeein at what dosage? It only struck me as serotonergic in the higher dosage range, 200mg iv per dose and more. I'd be more worried for this compound to elicit neurotoxicity by another mechanism anyway. These paresthesiae I've been having are no joke. They've been most intense the day after dosing. Since my last dose a week ago the symptoms have diminished. The correlation between amount of neurogenic pain, hypesthesia and 3F-P regimen seemed very strong. The amnesia also is a strong indicator for neurotoxicity.
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