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Ontario Scene

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Jan 29, 2014
Hey all, just wanted to find some fellow Ontario dwellers to chat with, kinda see how the scene changes from east to west, north to south of our great province.
I could shed some light on the Manitoban front, if yer interested.
I have many excellent memories from summer months spent near the mouth of the Pickeral River, as a young pup.....Ontario is a beautiful province,,,but Manitoban ladies cannot be topped IMHO. ;)
Ya know that would be cool, I've never heard too much about Manitoba other than the hunting and fishing are great. Do how does a (Manitobian...?) spend an average day? What's the drug scene like and what is most popular? And of course your own D.O.C.?
we've got an excellent music and artist community, so you can find a great band playing or gallery exhibit every night. there is also an insane amount of ethnic restaurants compared to our rather small populace, so you can try some pretty exotic foods in any neighborhood. we have amazing camping and beach destinations all over the province. there are excellent wild mushrooms during the seasons as well, if you know where to look.

the drug scene is very good within the right circles, but street level merchants are to be avoided as they sell subpar, under weighed product if they aren't just going to mug you. I believe we have some of strongest indica in North America. classic psychedelics are very popular; such as psilocybin mushrooms, dmt and lsd....PEA's and tryptamine analogues are a bit harder to procure but are there. cocaine is easy enough to find, but is usually expensive and mediocre. crystal meth is beginning to pop up everywhere. MDMA is also making a big comeback recently, with lots of pure crystal floating around at OK prices. Ketamine is also widely used on campuses. heroin is rare, so most opiate usage is Oxy and Percocet poppers in 'nice' neighborhoods and T+R junkies in the ghettos. it really helps to know the right people here or it can seem barren. if you attend one of the many excellent festivals you can get pretty much anything, but at a high price. booze flows freely, but beer vendors and liquor stores close early.

I smoke herb on the weekends, take monthly psychedelic journeys,(dmt and 2-CC being my favorites), have the occasional line of Charlie or PV, and roll once or twice a year. I quit smoking and drinking years ago but have begun to chew way too much betel nut :\....

I assume the drug scene in Ontario may be a bit larger and vast, with regional and socio-economic factors being factors also dictating options. what is it actually like and what are you on these days? %)

nice to meet you by the way, Lokii! hope you guys are having a warmer winter than us this year,lol!
I grew up in the south-eastern tip of Ontario (Brockville/Cornwall area). Drugs were pretty scarce generally. There were lots of mushrooms and methamphetamine pills, some cocaine and MDMA pills, and lots of outdoor cannabis.

I also have a lot of friends who live in Toronto, and it is probably among the top cities in North America for variety and availability of drugs.
^ Just a bit west of you. Pretty much anything available if you ever went to school here and met some people with similar interests. Everything except any noticeable Heroin market; may be for the best though.
I'm from Woodbridge. I live here and can't seem to find NOTHING kinda sucks when all you want to do on a Friday is do a line of coke and chill
I don't live out there anymore but 905 always sucked for drugs unless you know people. Toronto you can at least go downtown and wander into a seedy bar or ask just ask someone, although rip offs and violence are common. Last time I was in Toronto I met way too many kids shooting K, like way more than in Vancouver. I don't know whats up with that, there was some documentary a few years back that said TO was the K capital.
PS Toronto was great in the mid 80's lots of LSD and imported hash. You could walk up and down Yonge st and people just offered it to you.
i've always had a pretty good experience in the GTA, met all my connects either at work or through other users. pretty much anyone i've partied with has been nice enough to set me up with their dealer instead of trying to middleman to me. ime oddball stuff like K and RCs has to come through secretive hallucinogen dealers, while herb connects mingle with coke and MDMA business. herb is ridiculously easy to get at but the quality is hit n miss unless your dealer is a pro, but then they typically won't even bother meeting with you for less than a half oz. I don't use anymore but the coke and MDMA has always been of great quality.

users are everywhere, i would have no qualms about approaching any herb users about having a sess but i wouldn't approach a coke user even if they're sniffling their face off next to me because i don't think anyone would respond positively to some random going "hey i can't help but notice you're a blowmonkey, wanna do rails sometime?"
Shit thujone, that stuff about the secretive hallucinogen dealers and herb/x/coke dealers holds true in Ottawa as well, lol. Pot dealers always have something a little harder for you to try unless they are strict hardcore stoners. I knew a guy who got heroin in Ottawa but it was transient and 50-60 dollars for a point. Apparently they just sell whatever random opiate they can procure so one day it is dilaudid, one day morphine sulfate etc. We had a short oxy blitz before they came out with the plastic worm gel oxyneo formulation that is our equivalent of OP's.
Huh, I'm surprised to hear there isn't a thriving heroin market in Ottawa. You'd think someone would pick a bunch up in Toronto or Montreal.
Huh, I'm surprised to hear there isn't a thriving heroin market in Ottawa. You'd think someone would pick a bunch up in Toronto or Montreal.
I hear ya, shocking I am in Ottawa now, from MTL born and breed but was in the T dot before...
Anyways very much not a H town!
maybe I am just out of the loop but I know one D&D service which is very lame expensive min. 120$ smallest package 3points, limited time hours and locations plus quality is questionable
Huh, I'm surprised to hear there isn't a thriving heroin market in Ottawa. You'd think someone would pick a bunch up in Toronto or Montreal.

I had steady H in Ottawa for about 6 months before it vanished. #3, brown, sticky, 40$ a point. Melts in your cooker like butter, so f*ing good. PM me, im tryin ta make aquaintances, ive ditched all the old asshole crew since joining OATC and drinking the Juice.
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