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How powerful is DMT?


Sep 5, 2013
I have had the opportunities the try the magic of psilocybin mushroons twice, and LSD twice. Last night I took 250ug and tripped hard but nonetheless I was amazed at how well I could handle myself under the influence of these substances. For someone who has a lot of anxiety in the real world, once I begin tripping I feel little to no anxiety. Assuming the potency to average or better, how well could someone with my limited experience handle a hit or two of spice?
IME, and i am a person who has a lot of anxiety issues, i found N,N-DMT took away all anxieties for the duration of its effects and if you ever feel its getting a little too intense and/or overwhelming you can always open your eyes and enjoy the beautiful patterns and colours. but remember, everyones different

have fun in hyperspace if you decide to give it a go :)
How powerful? The most powerful of all. Given the fact you broke through with it :) I have yet to try that, though. My first try was really intense, I became one with the DMT world, the most unique feeling I've ever experienced.

I was a bit anxious before toking, but it was all gone as soon as I had the first hit in my lungs. It hit so fast I had no time to get surprised. All you need to remember, that whatever happens, your body is just fine, no one died from it. :)
Its so powerful the experience causes the fabric of space-time to rip in half and pull you into the space that exists between this reality and the furthest reaches of imagination. There is no handling it as you just kind of exist there no longer connected to your body. The only advise to give is just go with it.
Is it possible to eat/snort DMT freebase or do i have to smoke it?
so powerful that you cannot even describe it.
its beyond words in every way. its even beyond what your imgaination could think about. its 100 time more impressive then any of your most crazy and impressive imagination..
Other than that its fun I don't see much of a point in going all hyperbolic on DMT descriptions.. clearly I would not be the only one saying that DMT tends to be extremely intensely acting or not at all, but with not much of a gradual ramp up in between... and even people who have experience with it can hardly prepare themselves for what is coming, only more practical types of preparation like meditation / focus of attention and intent.

Setting doesn't always seem to matter that much especially when there is a dissociated breakthrough trip but importantly it influences your mindset: you can only really relax a little going in when your situation is safe, peaceful and generally sorted.

I've snorted 5-MeO-DMT which works but it comes on more gradually which matters a lot and is somehow a bit more gentle than I.M. or what vaped seems to be like .. it hurts though, in a more lingering nagging way rather than 2C-X which sears but passes more reasonably. N,N-DMT is less potent than 5-MeO so it must hurt even more.
Freebase alkaloid just doesn't really absorb well, which is why it works a little time-released apparently... stretched out pain which kind of ruins the trip a little (you dont want too much temporal overlap), and more gradual comeup which makes it a little eased up, but it can also take the oomph out of it which can be kind of a shame to do with DMT, not sure.

If you have enough material to not make the following too wasteful or risky, you could salt the DMT by calculating the stoichiometric proportion of an acid (citric acid, acetic acid, etc - you might wanna choose a volatile one!), adding that in slight excess plus some freebase DMT to a solvent and then letting the solvent evaporate (volatile acids will also evacuate), scrape it out of your - say - watchglass, voila: salted DMT such as DMT acetate or citrate etc. It should be fine to snort then, more stable to store, good for oral DMT use, and dare I say even fit for vaping still although evidence would indicate that it is a bit more harsh to smoke and you need a higher temperature than the usual super low one.
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It's so powerful, that it stopped me from wanting to try it.

No first hand experience, just heaps of second hand and it put me off. Though these people are the ones who got me to do acid so many times, so go figure. Half the time I didn't want to fry my ass off, so it's no wonder it was a double-edged sword for me.

I'd probably be in a psych ward if I wasn't naturally optimistic.

I've also observed that smoked dmt and any sort of IV/IM is practically instant with almost no come up. When I saw it, I realized the difference between reading it and seeing it. The intensity was interesting to observe, to say the least. You'll hear people grunting or shouting the same word: fuck!

I think if I felt like it, I could handle any hardcore psych. The thing is, I just don't feel like it. It's just not that fun to me, but that's just my opinion.
I don't think it's as powerful as mushrooms & it doesn't last as long. Maybe a more intense rush as you go from 0 to +++ in seconds, but I think mushrooms are as powerful as you can get. Psilocin is 4-ho-dmt, so it's a similar type of drug & feeling, but obviously psilocin is active orally & lasts longer. I haven't had dmt for a long while though & only tried it a couple of times, it seems expensive and/or hard to find for me here. I'm enjoying 5-meo-dalt. Vaping tryptamines can be a bit of an intense rush.
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Kl519 said:
I think if I felt like it, I could handle any hardcore psych. The thing is, I just don't feel like it. It's just not that fun to me, but that's just my opinion.
Well, DMT is certainly not a toy and not suited for recreational use but I don't think you were suggesting that either :)
I haven't tried higher doses of lsd/mush but DMT is totally different, unimaginable feeling. I haven't broke through(!), still 110mics of lsd in comparison felt like a joke.
Not like my field of vision is full of fractals but the whole thing is IN YOUR FACE with entities and folding-ripping dimensions. Truly unique feeling.
I'dlike to break through before NYE. :p
While I agree with most people that DMT has the potential to be indescribably powerful when vaporised, it is completely possible to achieve a less intense experience. Most people like to take about two or three huge hits as fast as possible and break through into the crazy sort of out of body experience people most often associate with DMT, but if you take smaller hits at regular intervals over a longer period of time, the experience can be more comparable to something like a moderate oral dose of psilocin in terms of intensity, though quite different in character.
DMT is very potent, your mind is transported into another place during the trip, it's not at all like LSD or mushrooms while vaporized and you don't even have the time to feel anxiety or start thinking too much because it's so strong the only thing you can do is watch. Then a few minutes later you come back like when you wake up from a dream.
I recommend vaporized n,n-DMT, its an incredible experience but nothing to be scared for, I feel like its almost anxiolytic.
People especially in their first trip tend to give way to wonder and all they can say at the and: what the F was this?? I did this too :D
The point would be - like with every psychedelic trip - to bring something back. Pay attention to the details and don't just look. Watch ;)
So is dmt like salvia in the wtf department? I haven't tried that either, but once again, I've seen people do it.

I imagine low doses of dmt wouldn't be too extreme. Maybe a small puff? Heh.

Yeah, some of these psychs seem best used in a non-recreational environment, yet you have a bunch of people always taking them in that setting. x.x

High doses of certain psychs/trypts will most likely rival those of any "hardcore" psych, which is why I'm certain I can handle one if I felt like it. And I've been through worse things than just dark, drug-induced hallucinations so I can easily get over them. But yeah, you know, that fun+happy factor isn't quite there from my view so...I just say no. :)

I'm pretty sure a +100mg of miprocin would cause other psych users to get transported as well. Though I'm not condoning it, since I think excessive doses of anything shouldn't be recommended. Too many trips like that probably wouldn't be good for normal life. Well, not for me at least.

I may try dmt one day, but...most likely not. :) I've heard a friend say that it felt like he died and came back to life, though I'm not sure if that was his version of an ego loss, or if dmt just made him literally feel like that.
So is dmt like salvia in the wtf department?

Not at all. As strong as salvia is in the wtf department, DMT is, but in the every puzzle piece of life, reality, and the universe just came together and I can see the truth now department. However, it's so profound and universal that you won't see/feel anything associated with you yourself, but the whole. How do I word it... basically it's so focused on the bigger picture that the smaller portions, ie. your life, aren't touched on.
@Kl519: Apparently you haven't seen this:

DMT The Spirit Molecule | Documentary: http://youtu.be/62raWpUzdr0

Official, legal project, a professor was dosing many people IV DMT and the film is about what they saw and how their perception of life changed. This film put the whole dmt thing in a different perspective, recommended! :)
I've been using low doses of oral DMT lately. It seems like it can be used in the same way marijuana is used, when used like this, and I want to start doing that.
Oral DMT can be as powerful as you want it to be - always found it very friendly and sort of like a more psychedelic version of mushrooms. It's more psychedelic, there's more of a "presence" and there's an incredible bodyhigh.