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Health NBOMe abuse advice


Apr 20, 2013
How I aided my recovery from NBOMe abuse

Hello, this is my first post. I started taking nBOMEs about the beginning of last year. In my inexperience with drug abuse in general, I started becoming reckless. Over the period of about 8 months I must've taken hundreds of tabs but started noticing these differences after even the first couple usages. I want to tell people here how I may have aided the recovery of it.

Persisting effects after ceasing usage

Mainly from my experience and a few others:

* Blurring in vision, cant keep eyes focused on one thing for very long. (Makes you look like a sketchy mafucker)

* CNS zaps, never too debilitating though.

* Extreme confusion:
- Inability to express your thoughts (snappy comebacks are a biggy).
- Takes down barriers. (everything seems the same, i.e chair = pickle, and you think your right because you think you can explain it, never really could :?:?:?:?:?:?)
- Extreme short-term memory loss.
- Loss of long-term memories.​

* Flashbacks, never start tripping again though, mainly in thought process. Happens more so after a good meal or weed.

* Highly energetic, never can stay still.

* Highly increased metabolism, not good guys, even if your fat :p

* HPPD out the wazoo (for me, it looks like particles are trickling down the walls at all times, afterimages have color added)

* Paranoia "dat police guy knows im weird from drugz halp"

* Pressure in the brain, not what I would consider a headache. (Mainly in the center, probably in or around the hippocampus, but not saying it's the only region affected)

* Random mood swings and bipolar episodes.

* Sensory input gets jumbled. Example: someone says "Can you give that chair to me", you hear, "Why do you stare at me?" Then, in your extremely confused and bipolar state, get very angry at them for thinking such a thing is being done.

* Sex drive reduced to almost nothing.

* Many more problems, similar crack/cocaine abuse, just look that up and go to various links that have a "long-term" section.

What I recommend

* Oddly enough, a heavy trip on PURE lucy REALLY reversed MANY of the debilitating psychological side effects for me, nearly instantly. It reset barriers (chair = chair again), added like a "buffer" for the bipolarism (I could feel the emotions raging inside but never surface and take you over, eventually going away completely), removed my eye twitching (relates back to the buffer thingy), increased my sex drive back to normal levels, and removed much of my thought process confusion. I'm not saying that it will do that for everyone, but it did for me and majority of my friends.

* Stop smoking weed, I know some of you are thinking "Bullshit! It's a medicine!" Well, in my honest opinion it only hinders the recovery of a problem like this. Possibly from its unnatural increasing in the neurotransmitters into damaged synapses, slowing recovery because your brain is still down-regulating the affected receptors. I specifically noticed the pressure in my head increase greatly while high. It also only worsens short-term memory issues. Plus, if you abused nbomes to the level of actually needing advice like this, your probably a huge stoner anyways. So just stop and let your brain return to homeostasis, weed wont go anywhere.

* Exercise, this helps with almost ALL of the problems. Once I started exercising, the jacked-up energetic starts goes away, sex drive starts increasing, focus returns.

* Since nBOMES are 5HTP agonists, they mainly do their damage to the serotonergic system of the brain. Naturally increasing levels slowly promotes growth, which in turn, heals. These supplements help ALOT and are not very expensive:
- Complete Multivitamin, self explanatory imo.
- Fish Oil (http://www.webmd.com/depression/features/fish-oil-to-treat-depression).
- Ginkgo Biloba, HIGHLY SUGGEST, HELPS MEMORY ISSUES GREATLY AT RIGHT DOSAGES, many many positive reviews all over internet.
- Ginseng, increases attention span and active memory, general feeling of contentedness aswell.
- Magnesium, aides CNS stability (http://www.livestrong.com/article/533606-magnesium-the-nervous-system/).
- Vitamin C (http://www.livestrong.com/article/497062-vitamin-c-serotonin/).
- Vitamin D, just good in general.
- I personally don't recommend 5-HTP because even though a very small amount of it actually reaches the brain, it's more than what would be natural. I've read time and time again that 5-HTP may aide the the intimidate after effects of MDMA, but DOESN'T aide tolerance because it keeps your receptors downregulated from the not rapid, but unnaturally fast increase in the transmitter, which is similar to what a drug does.​

* Caffine, it helps focus, doesn't cause any pressure or overexerting feeling, its an anti-oxidant, also, IT'S A DRUG =D.

* Sleeping, ALOT. The more you sleep, the more your brain heals. You also need to catch up on sleep from all those geeked-up all nighters ;) .

It's been about 3 months and I think that i'm back on Earth again, almost completely. I really have to say though guys the lucy REALLY aided the psychological recovery, I cannot deny it. I ask not to be criticized as I've learned my lesson on self-moderation. I just hope that this can be a lighthouse for the people who got lost on the same boat I did. There is indeed hope, the human brain is amazing :)
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Definitely reduce marijuana use when you're having these problems. Good advice.
Definitely reduce marijuana use when you're having these problems. Good advice.

For sure, a few doses close together for me caused some of these issues. Cannabis really brings them to a head. I sampled some homegrown about a week after the last time I took 25e and it was like begin at the peak of a trip again after only a couple of tokes. I started having intense CEVs and became very dissociated, thankfully I was in good company at the time.

For me thus far the lasting effects are a disturbed sleep pattern (waking every few hours), intense/vivid dreams, and lasting visual disturbances. I don't think I'm going to use this class of chemicals much anymore.
This sounds like generic effects of overusing psychedelics, there isn't anything specific to NBOMes here. But yeah, stopping all drugs including weed is a good idea, as well as getting plenty of rest and eating properly. Glad you're feeling better now OP.
I wouldn't be surprised if NBOMe's were better and quicker at producing these problems than the average psychedelic though... great helpful post and advice thanks!
Glad you found helpful supplements. I saw they were using N- acetyl-cysteine in hospitals for detoxing it I added that. I’ve stayed away from ginseng tho it has lots of good b vits. It speeds me up and brings anxiety back on. So does thc. As said below.