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Can 200mg at once not be enjoyable and/or dangerous?


Feb 6, 2014
I have a friend that i tested his "molly" and he was dissapointed because he now has found out that hes been taking methylone for however long hes been buying from this guy, hes kind of at disbeleif due to the fact that he says his highs are so amazing.. Well this got his curiousity going and i gave him .200mg of my actual mdma and hes so use to poppin 3 of his "mollys" at once to get high he is insisting on taking all the .200mg.. Can anything bad happen possibly?? And will he get a very different experience then what hes use to? I wouldn't know cuz ive never touched methylone :)
If it's good gear presuming he is not on any meds that may interact with MDMA then the worst that can happen is he won't be able to stand up for an hour or so. He'll probably heat up quite a bit too
Another question, theres a major drought of mdma here and after the last of this batch ill probably have to result to using methylone.. Ive heard good things about methylone but im afraid of me using nothing but mdma for the past year ill be highly dissapointed on the high perhaps? I only "roll" at raves to enhance the experience.
Can anything bad happen possibly??

200mg can put you into a completely fucked mindspace, so possibly.

And will he get a very different experience then what hes use to?

Yes. MDMA is far more potent than methylone releasing 3x more serotonin and with a very steep dose-response curve. I wouldn't be surprised if he freaked out coming up on 200mg and then was completely floored for an hour or so, before then being where he wanted be. Just give him 150mg instead?

highly dissapointed on the high perhaps?

Depends what mindset you take going into it. If you go into it expecting the MDMA experience then of course you'll be disappointed. If you go into it open-minded and excited at what it's like, you shouldn't be disappointed, it's just not MDMA.
For someone who's been dropping methylone 200 mgs of MDMA all at once may be a little overwhelming. The come up off 200+ mgs can make some people a little nauseous on the come up. And like JWills20 said it can leave ya in a mind fucked head space for a short period of the roll. I personally always drop 200 mgs. To start off but, I love being wrecked and have a medium tolerance plus lots of experience in the ecstasy world. I dropped a blue Barclay last night for shits & giggles and they're definitely over 200 mgs, God damn that was a killer fuckin pill!!

As for your other question, methylone isn't all that bad. But, the high has a very short duration of action, and its definitely not the complete MDMA experience. Its fun though IMO. The onset is usually a little quicker than MDMA, pretty euphoric, music sounds good, feels a Tad bit speedy (but not too sped up), and I get a little empathy going on at the beginning of the high. I would say its more fun to drop methylone at home and kick it with a few buddies, for a little kick back. Not really a"rave" drug to me, because of how constantly you'd have to redose. 200 mgs is a pretty good starting dose for methylone as well if you want the "full experience" IMO. It also pairs quite lovely with some LSD ;). And I totally feel your pain on MDMA disappearing and methylone taking over. It happened where I live a few years back. But that's when I had my first run in with little miss methylone and realized she's a fun little bitch too lol.
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why don't you tell him that 100mg of mdma is equivalent to 200mg of methylone?

Another question, theres a major drought of mdma here and after the last of this batch ill probably have to result to using methylone.. Ive heard good things about methylone but im afraid of me using nothing but mdma for the past year ill be highly dissapointed on the high perhaps? I only "roll" at raves to enhance the experience.

well, it's definitely not mdma. but you can certainly do it at a rave and have a good time. just expect less euphoria and a shorter, more controlled high without the intense letting-go-and-completely-living-for-the-present-moment effect of mdma. some people (as far as i have seen it's mostly those with more experience with stimulants) also get very uncomfortable comedowns and aftereffects the following days with a racing heart and chest pains, but that seems to be a minority and vmmy.
The come up will be hell and he will be messed up , but hey that's not always a bad thing.
with a tolerance I ate 200mg mortal kombat pressie (tested) and felt amazing.
But it tested and literally smoked to black.
Good mdma can be really smooth and mellow… it depends.
Id take less though or have magnesium on deck just in case for the jaw

Now another time I had moonrocks tested (ate around 200mg)
I wasn't planning too, but was drunk and accidentally spilled water on my second cap…
it was melting and so I doubled dropped (was dumb) and the peak had me laying outside
by the club's staircase peaking so hard (even chipped a tooth).
That was too intense, but later was fine.
So be careful and take less, because it can be a surprise each time how your body reacts.
You can always re-dose.

Fucking four loko before a rave was not a good idea.
I did meet so many people that night and had 40+ friend requests on fb
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Had 250mg of pure strong shit before, it slapped me so hard across the face. I was extremely energetic and my vision was blurred/doubling and the street lights were so bright, felt amazing and was talking to everyone. My tolerence is very high though, I was completely off my face.
I had 250mg of some pretty strong stuff last week. Had my teeth chattering eyes wobbling, extremely messed up for a good few hours but in a good way. I have tolerance though. That was a big dose, I've taken 60mg and its had me rolling pretty hard.
180+ mg will give me a spaced out feeling for the first 45mins or so, and the feeling of gel/heavy legs with no energy at all. the bodyhigh will be strong and i will basically stretch my arms and legs while bumping my head up and down for a good hour before being able/wanted to dance. good for a home setting. but i dose lower for parties(with redoses) . my personal experience.
Had 250mg of pure strong shit before, it slapped me so hard across the face. I was extremely energetic and my vision was blurred/doubling and the street lights were so bright, felt amazing and was talking to everyone. My tolerence is very high though, I was completely off my face.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the blur and cross-eyed vision.
I couldn't even text when I peaked.
My friends were trying to find me, but luckily saw me laying down outside lmao.
Good times
how is this possible, he dropped the .200 and its been hour and a half and he texted me saying he still doesn't feel it, asked if hes on any SSRI and he said no, me and all my friends take this same batch about .100 than another .100 30 minutes later and get bombed... he just took two of his methylones on top of the mdma cuz he doesnt feel anything.. he says he does have a very high tolerance for drugs.. hes all questioning the reliability of this test kit, and trying to tell me the methylone will blow my mind if my stuff bombs me. its got me thinking actually :/ not to mention i look like a fucking idiot cuz he confronted his dealer about this whole methylone/mdma thing and i hyped this mdma up to him and his friends :(
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Here's hoping it wasn't held up in his digestive system... Coz he might be in for one hell of a ride shortly lol
I've had times where it took me 2.5 hours to come up so indeed I hope he has a huge tolerance or something, because if his roll just takes a long time to come up he's going to be in for one hell of a surprise =D How did he fare, now that we're a few hours later?
LOL! I remember my mate doing MDMA for the first time, and it took him 2 hours to come up on 200mg. But when he did, it smashed him in the face! I too remmeber coming up on 400mg of MDMA at once, as I like your friend ended up re-dosing thinking nothing was happening. Let me tell you, coming up off .4 is incredible. I couldn't see for my eyes wiggling, but it was incredible.

He ended up getting high, but just from the methylone he took. he said the high wasn't any different.. So im just left here with disappointment and major confusion haha
He ended up getting high, but just from the methylone he took. he said the high wasn't any different.. So im just left here with disappointment and major confusion haha

The test kit only detects the presence of MDMA. If it's powder then it's very likely it's cut with something inactive. 200mg of pure MDMA should definitely be felt even with a high tolerance.
how is this possible, he dropped the .200 and its been hour and a half and he texted me saying he still doesn't feel it, asked if hes on any SSRI and he said no, me and all my friends take this same batch about .100 than another .100 30 minutes later and get bombed... he just took two of his methylones on top of the mdma cuz he doesnt feel anything.. he says he does have a very high tolerance for drugs.. hes all questioning the reliability of this test kit, and trying to tell me the methylone will blow my mind if my stuff bombs me. its got me thinking actually :/ not to mention i look like a fucking idiot cuz he confronted his dealer about this whole methylone/mdma thing and i hyped this mdma up to him and his friends :(
Why do you feel dumb? You still exposed the fact that he hasn't been taking MDMA.