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Hearing voices before sleep


Nov 19, 2010
Right, I'll try to keep this brief as I'm rather tired but after an mdma binge, usually a friday and saturday night I'll begin to hear voices when I try to go to sleep on the sunday, this usually also continues onto monday or tuesday. I can clearly differentiate the voices from what is reality and the voices usually make no sense at all, usually just snippets of sentences or garbled words. This is usually accompanied by nightmares when I finally manage to get myself to sleep. I dont have the problem when i'm still on (or just coming down from) the md.
Would anyone be able to shed some light on this situation, it never happens with any other drug (though sometimes I experience 'exploding head syndrome' while trying to sleep.
I also get some odd sensations of pressure and pulling in my stomach accompanying the voices but its just a strange sensation, nothing painful.

Cheers guys and sorry if there's any spelling or punctuation mistakes, im typing this up on my phone from bed.
I'll check back on the thread in the morning.
this is probably a sign that you need to slow down your usage...
probably nothing!!!....you are using too often plain and simple. this was one of the first bad effects that showed up when I was abusing. stop now or it will only get worse with brain zaps, partial sleep paralysis, insomnia, short term memory problems...the list goes on.

Take a long break (six months or better) Then reduce your use to one every few months.
I remember once I took way too much mdma and heard phantom voices, couldn't recognize faces, and just suffered from a lot of confusion and dementia in general. I only suffered this from large doses and rolled twice during that week so I would recommend lowering your dosage and spacing out your rolls. I think this is just a direct result from the "binges" you speak of.
There are two reasons for this. It sounds more like this first reason to me.
1st: After a lot of MD the brain starts to skip steps in processing thoughts so the outcome of a process reaches the wrong conclusion. So say a thought of someones voice pops into your head (weird things tend to pop into our heads after messing with the brain chemistry). The brain will skip steps when processing (due to depleted levels of dopamine) and your brain will make you believe your ears picked up this sound when really it was just in your head. I tend to hear someone say my name or a word or two which I can't make out, for me it generally seems very plausible for someone to be saying something until I open my eyes and realize i'm in bed and everything is quiet.

Another explanation would be hypnagognic hallucinations. Google them to find out more but here is a brief explanation. They occur from erratic sleeping patterns, lack of sleep, drugs, too many video games and some other things. It's a very common occurrence and 90% of people have experienced them in some form in their life. They can be visual, auditory or smell. They occur on the brink of falling asleep or waking up and are very much like dreams, even though your mind and body are still awake, they are very vivid and you believe them to be real. It's like watching a film running through your head but you only realize what is happening when you get the hynangognic jerk (a body twitch and a sense of falling) and you wake up to full consciousness.

Sleep paralysis is connected to this and can also be bought on by a lot of mdma. This is where your mind is awake but your body is still asleep, you will believe you have woken up but in fact your eyes are still closed and your body doesn't respond to the messages you are sending it (you won't be able to move). Through history people thought this was because a demon was sitting on their body during sleep, not letting them move, torturing them with fear as the experience is much like a nightmare and it isn't uncommon for terrifying hallucinations to accompany the ordeal. The ordeal will reoccur like false awakenings until you can wake yourself up, for me I had to cry for help, nothing came out but I woke up.

All of these things have happened to me after I've take MDMA in the past. I still see and hear things whilst trying to get to sleep after MD but after researching it my mind is at peace with what it is and I just ignore them and get to sleep as normal. It isn't uncommon for large amounts of mdma to bring on nightmares as well in my experience. It sounds to me as if you are taking far too much, try cut down to once a month and don't redose throughout the night. You'll find your experiences will be better and the drug will hit you harder. Assuming what your getting isn't pure mdma, try taking 150mg/200mg and then an hour later 75mg, then stop, your done for the night.

Hope this helped.
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Stop binging so much and get some sleep. Amphetamines will do things like that to you. Whenever I'm coming down off MDMA I will hear voices occasionally but really you can't think that this won't occur with drugs, lol. They fuck with your head, so you're bound to get some visual and auditory hallucinations.
Same thing happens to me after MDMA use XD So fun/crazy\
I've had slight auditory hallucinations on high doses. Rolling 2 days in a row "usually" is a sure fire way to wreck your brain if you keep it up. I wandered around the whole house once at like 4 or 5 in the morning looking for where the music was coming from. You would think I'd have realized it was in my head when the volume stayed constant from room to room.
I don't remember too well if I ever had this specific symptom but I am pretty confident that it's not a good thing.

As others have said, I think you should ease up on the MDMA for a while, and consider using once per-month absolute maximum.

Obviously it's just my opinion, but I've experienced years of suffering due to MDMA. I now try to be risk-averse on behalf of other people so they don't have to go through the same. You can still enjoy the amazing drug if you want to, but please listen to your body when it gives you a sign like this.
^ all been said above.

From personal experience what you're describing I've had many times back in the day when I was using too much and too often.

My textbook memory of this was that I'd be trying to go to sleep at 4 or 5am after being awake for 2 days and consumed far too much mD. In Australia we have a channel called SBS. It's free to air and from 2-7am everyday there is an hour each of news one after the other in foreign language. Ie, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Italian yada yada.

I'd have it on while lying in bed and zone in and out... Turn it off and I'd still here the Russian news for hours and hours...

Combination of sleep deprivation and too many drugs...

Since a 5 year period of not taking Md and then since 4 times a year with a pure contact and taking 1 or 2 doses max I've not had anything like this.

Slow down
I have this without drugs, so it isn't really the same but I used to pretty much hear voices every night and I'm fine. For me, it's not even like snippets of stuff or anything, they talk to each other, a couple times they even argued with each other and they make comments on things I am doing and stuff in my life. It sort of happens during the day as well in a way, I hear stuff in white noise like sentences about stuff and sometimes I'll keep hearing my name called when nobody is around or when no one said anything. I hear stuff quite a bit actually, but I've learned to tune into it in a constructive manner. I've found the stuff they say to be metaphorically related to whatever is going on with me and my life and stuff. Since you got it from rolling, stop taking mdma, but if it's permanent, just get used to it and learn to use it to your advantage like I have
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This has happened to me after a big dose of mushrooms and a night of partying. At like 3am I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and I felt like I was half dreaming and my mind was racing (almost hallucinating) with disjointed and rambling thoughts and voices that were kinda coherent. I knew it was the drugs and sleep deprivation so it did not bug me but it was not necessarily fun.
just talk to them find out what's being said, focus on to them to hear them clearly. as for the nightmares enjoy them, its only a dream remember learn to control what happens in your dreams.
its only a dream remember learn to control what happens in your dreams.

When the shadow people turn up when your trying to sleep, there is no controlling them. Best advice is to sleep before they start to appear (IMHO)
Unless you are a man short for poker. They do play a mean game these shadow people...

on-topic: I've only ever heard voices during a roll, as auditory hallucinations on top of insanely intense visual hallucinations. What I do experience a lot after a roll at a rave is hearing music everywhere. I'll be lying in bed and a car that passes would have a drum & bass engine after a d&b rave or when sitting on a train I would hear techno coming from the train sounds after a techno rave =D I kind of like that effect. Never voices though, but everyone is different
this post was started in 2011

Yeah, he's probably not even looking at this thread anymore. I'm guessing that OP is no longer being tormented by this stuff and if he is, that would really be a shame