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Opioids Chewing Fentanyl Patch? Experienced people only please. Serious question.


Aug 13, 2014
This is a serious question so I am looking for serious answers.

Okay so I was on 2mg of dilaudid (hydromorphone) 3x a day. And like everyone who is on painkillers, obviously your tolerance goes up fast, especially with such fast acting pills. Before I knew it I was taking 5 pills a day, then 6, then taking 2 2mg at a time etc etc. I kept having to go see my doctor because the pills were no longer working and I was running out very fast. I went through 60 pills in the course of 8 days, several times and that was me trying to use them sparingly. But anyway she put me on fentanyl 25mcg every 72 hours. Obviously that did nothing. So I went back 2 days later and she gave me 50mcg ever 72 hours. It is 2 patches that are 25cmg. And then some dilaudid for breakthrough pain in the mean time. So I stuck the 2 patches on and took half a pill and waited. Now I am not sure if the patch worked or not but I felt fine, but that could;ve been because of my pills. I ran out again (she only gave me 28) and I am in ALOT of pain. I just put on 2 fresh patches this morning and am waiting for them to work.... I feel no relief so far. So I am wondering, is it safe to chew a little piece of patch while waiting? And could these maybe not be working because of the brand, because 25mcg should've been okay, I was only taking 14-16mg of dilaudid a day. It is the teva ones and it's like a plastic with sticky on it, not gell.

Help please, I am SO sore!
No the glue or something is indigestible and causes the body to overtop produce an enzyme to break it down or something causing harm to the body. Why are you using so much?
Using so much of what?
What do you mean?
And okay cause I've read you can chew them but I'm just not sure how all that works.
For us to answer your question correctly, we need to know how long you've been on dilaudid & any other strong opiate......

How long have you been on opiates for pain? Do you snort the dilaudid, shoot it, or take it orally?

16mgs of dilaudid = 96mgs of oxycodone=128mgs of morphine= 25mcg of fentanyl patch
^Opioid conversions are shiite with Dilaudid/hydromorphone though so it's hard to say what it's equivalent to. Orally it's so ineffective that the comparison is very dependent on the individual's metabolism.

Definitely still important to know amount and length of use.

OP, don't chew the patches, it's really dangerous and fentanyl is super easy to OD on. The patches take a long time to kick in (4-6 hours) and even longer to plateau their effect (8-12 hours), but are very effective over a long period. Your Dr should be able to give you multiples so you can put on the next one when you take the last one off so you don't have the bad comedown between patches.
Monk, shouldn't we know how she's been ingesting the dilaudids? I'm thinking she's snorting them if 25 to 50mcgs of fentanyl isn't doing much but like you stated, it tools forever for fentanyl to kick in.

She's looking for instant relief & won't get it from fentanyk & she's already gone thru 20 dilaudid pills waiting for the fentanyl to kick in.

I think she should ask her doctor for oxymorphone (Opana), to get dome instant relief. Febtanyl is a very strange drug that isn't euphoric but is a very powrrful drug for pain.

Opana would be a better drug for pain & pleasure.
Okay I've been taking opiates for about 6 years. Started with oxy, methadone, than to percs again then capsule dilaudid then fast release dilaudid. Off and on. Had to stop taking my dilaudid for a while cause I was pregnant. But about 3 months ago I started taking it again. I snort it sometimes cause I need it to work quickly. Quick release. Then started the patches about 2 weeks ago.
I'm wearing 2 patches atm and have some relief and just a gross tired feeling, nothing like my hydros which made me feel awake, pain free, euphoric.
I'm wearing 2 patches atm and have some relief and just a gross tired feeling, nothing like my hydros which made me feel awake, pain free, euphoric.

Fentanyl.isn't euphoric.......since you can talk to your doctor & they seem to listen to you, tell them the Fentanyl isn't working much & if you can recommend oxymorphone, that's if you're willing to ingest one of the most euphoric & long lasting opiates.

IG the doctor won't give you oxymorphone, there's levorphanol & dilaudid for breakthrough pain.

You're going thru dilaudid way too fast.
Is opana like oxy? That was my most fave opiate. Pain free. I wanted to do everything and anything. When in pain I isolate myself and sleep alot and try to avoid the world. With opana do you have to take more and more to achieve the same effect? I want to be able to take something a while without increasing the dose a week later. I guess I'm very opiate tolerant. It's never enough. Also besides needing them for pain I crave them as well to achieve that sense of well being. You can't just take opiates for years and expect not to be addicted. Please don't judge

^Opioid conversions are shiite with Dilaudid/hydromorphone though so it's hard to say what it's equivalent to. Orally it's so ineffective that the comparison is very dependent on the individual's metabolism.

Definitely still important to know amount and length of use.

OP, don't chew the patches, it's really dangerous and fentanyl is super easy to OD on. The patches take a long time to kick in (4-6 hours) and even longer to plateau their effect (8-12 hours), but are very effective over a long period. Your Dr should be able to give you multiples so you can put on the next one when you take the last one off so you don't have the bad comedown between patches.

I am sitting here with like 30 patches and no pills thinking wtf am I supposed to do witj this garbage
Opana is more narcotic (sleep inducing). I find it leads to the drowsiness that leads to nods where oxy/hydro/codine becomes slightly stimulating leaving you tired although not as sleepy.

Look up the term bioavailability. Opana is very low orally while nasally is it high although with oxycodon and the likes it absorbs well through any route of administration even orally better than nasally.

Careful with your doses though and long term use quitting the medication will be a nightmare.... Part of your issue with pain is you are dependent on the medication and without it your body will hurt more whether or not there is a good reason.
I find with oxy and dilaudid I nodd sometimes but once I get past that Ia wide awake, talkative and rushy. Sorry so many questions, is opana kinda like that though? I just don't want to keep asking my doc for things that aren't working :(
We've switched my meds and doses sooo many times.
I would think opana at nighttime and oc should be used in daytime. Be wary requesting meds as fent is already hard enough to get and you don't want to lose everything because you can't work with any the stuff you had.
I would think opana at nighttime and oc should be used in daytime. Be wary requesting meds as fent is already hard enough to get and you don't want to lose everything because you can't work with any the stuff you had.

Fent wasn't hard to get. She suggested it a long time ago but I kept saying no cause I thought it would be too strong. I rather be on 25mcg then take my dilaudid for breakthrough. I just feel nasty, sore and tired atm. I think that's what I should ask her. I am a little nervous about asking for anything oxy related when she already knows how quick I went through my other pills. But they DO wear off so quickly and especially if you are using them for chronic pain.
When I used fent (before I was IV'ing H/Opana) I used to use tons of fent bucally. Worked wonders for me.. I would not chew them, wasteful. If you go down this road, start low. It hits you fast and is extremely euphoric. Also, very dangerous, I almost fell out because of fent.. Well, this was when I was using 100mcg patch a day on my cheek, I'd do 50 at a time till I couldn't taste it anymore. I had 50mcg in my mouth otw to the beach, ate 6 xanax, drank an absurd amount of vodka jolt soda's, got piss drunk, then on the way back I put my otherside in.. I don't recall leaving the beach, apparently curbs were hit in excess (I wasn't driving) then at like 2am my sister comes into my room, I'm in my boxers sitting indian style with my head down. Thank fuck she came to my room, if not I wouldn't be here today. I do remember I was going to put a movie into my xbox and then I guess I just KO'ed insta when I sat on the floor.. (Note 50mcg is a high dose, my tolerance was very high, do not try this, or go down this road if you can help it.. Many people die from it, if it helps your pain just wear them, maybe use a heating pad)
Is opana like oxy? That was my most fave opiate. Pain free. I wanted to do everything and anything. When in pain I isolate myself and sleep alot and try to avoid the world. With opana do you have to take more and more to achieve the same effect? I want to be able to take something a while without increasing the dose a week later. I guess I'm very opiate tolerant. It's never enough. Also besides needing them for pain I crave them as well to achieve that sense of well being. You can't just take opiates for years and expect not to be addicted. Please don't judge


40mgs of Opana snorted equals to 160mgs of oxycodone, some people say to 200mgs of oxycodone.......

Opana is no joke, it can kill easily. Its very euphoric & very strong......its great for pain & if you do get these prescribed, snort very small lines. Start with a matchead size. Some heroin users says Opana is stronger than some good heroin.

Most Opana users state that that it makes Oxycodone look like candy. Also, once you get a habit on Opana, Oxycodone won't help your pain much.

Also, Opana is more sedating that hydro, oxycodone, codeine.......orally, Opana is terrible & you won't get the relief you're looking for, its about 10% BA orally while snorting is about 50%
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Careful with your doses though and long term use quitting the medication will be a nightmare.... Part of your issue with pain is you are dependent on the medication and without it your body will hurt more whether or not there is a good reason.


This also.......
When I used fent (before I was IV'ing H/Opana) I used to use tons of fent bucally. Worked wonders for me.. I would not chew them, wasteful. If you go down this road, start low. It hits you fast and is extremely euphoric. Also, very dangerous, I almost fell out because of fent.. Well, this was when I was using 100mcg patch a day on my cheek, I'd do 50 at a time till I couldn't taste it anymore. I had 50mcg in my mouth otw to the beach, ate 6 xanax, drank an absurd amount of vodka jolt soda's, got piss drunk, then on the way back I put my otherside in.. I don't recall leaving the beach, apparently curbs were hit in excess (I wasn't driving) then at like 2am my sister comes into my room, I'm in my boxers sitting indian style with my head down. Thank fuck she came to my room, if not I wouldn't be here today. I do remember I was going to put a movie into my xbox and then I guess I just KO'ed insta when I sat on the floor.. (Note 50mcg is a high dose, my tolerance was very high, do not try this, or go down this road if you can help it.. Many people die from it, if it helps your pain just wear them, maybe use a heating pad)


Yep, like this person states, Fentanyl will & has killed many people......if you're not getting much relief from wearing the patch the correct way, don't try & get cute like he did above, bad things can & will happen.....just move on to another opiate like Opana.
I want to say it's higher than 50 for shore. Eat a meal that has a lot of fat in it (Just go to a fast food place and eat terribly) wait 30 minutes then snert it. That definitely raises the BA. First time I ever did opana I was eating I think around.. 12-15 norcos a day, I insufflated 5mg and felt like a god. Next thing you know I'm doing 12+ 40's a day.. -.- Whatever you do, be very careful.