Best steroids for cutting/ripped abs


Jul 21, 2013
Hi all
I don't know about steroids.Can somebody recommend me steroids for fat burning and easier cutting. I need to get abs in a short time... Right now I don't really have fat,It is just hiding my abs..and just need to burn it
Hi all
I don't know about steroids.Can somebody recommend me steroids for fat burning and easier cutting. I need to get abs in a short time... Right now I don't really have fat,It is just hiding my abs..and just need to burn it

Diet and cardio... do propper abs work..!!
Yes, sure I'll do that but what about some..."external help"

You've already stated you know nothing about AAS, yet you want to jump on compounds that will shut down your HPTA, spike DHT and Estrogen, without any knowledge of what you are doing... You have done no research at all but you want me to spoon feed you information....
Look above in the thread titled "your first cycle".....

If all you want are defined abs, then do some ab work and get your diet in check...
There is no steroid that helps you cut. The most that they do is harden you up, which helps show definition.
Hi all
I don't know about steroids.Can somebody recommend me steroids for fat burning and easier cutting. I need to get abs in a short time... Right now I don't really have fat,It is just hiding my abs..and just need to burn it

So you don't really have fat, yet fat is hiding your abs? Can you clarify what you mean?

If that is you in your avatar picture, then I can assure you that you cannot see your abs because they are extremely underdeveloped.


Both males are at 10% bodyfat, can you see the difference?

Post your current stats: Height, bodyweight, bodyfat percentage if you know it (A picture of yourself would help greatly as well).

Also post your age, current training program, years spent training, and current diet in a format like this:

4 eggs
100g oats

200g tuna
200g rice


Also, why do you need visible abdominals in such a short period of time? To impress a girl?

The connotations that I'm getting aren't good judging by your username.
Don't judge me by my username I wish I could change it man.
I'm 18 yo
1,82m I use the metric system
I wasn't really a workout guy..i went to the gym for like 2 months but my abs started to form really quickly,and I have a bulky back, it's like I was working out.I'm thin but my belly got some fat which doesn't allow my abs to be visible.
Can you suggest me a diet then
Sorry that this isn't a steroid discussion
The reason that I want ripped abs is because I don't wanna impress a girl, but girls generally
And my main reason is because my body is the only thing I am not comfortable with and want to fix that
Also I want to do healthy life because for the past year ive been using drugs heavily and smoking and eating gyros etc hah
You need to build a frame first bro, 182cm and 60kg is thinner than my ex, whom I broke up with partly coz she was too skinny lol.

Eat food :)
Don't judge me by my username I wish I could change it man.
I'm 18 yo
1,82m I use the metric system
I wasn't really a workout guy..i went to the gym for like 2 months but my abs started to form really quickly,and I have a bulky back, it's like I was working out.I'm thin but my belly got some fat which doesn't allow my abs to be visible.
Can you suggest me a diet then
Sorry that this isn't a steroid discussion
The reason that I want ripped abs is because I don't wanna impress a girl, but girls generally
And my main reason is because my body is the only thing I am not comfortable with and want to fix that
Also I want to do healthy life because for the past year ive been using drugs heavily and smoking and eating gyros etc hah

dude, just go to the gym 4-5 days out of the week, lift some heavy ass shit, make sure to do the compound lifts. and the abs will most likely come sooner than you'd think if you're not pigging out.
What should I eat?
It's very important for me
I don't want to become bulky, I just wanna be thin with abs
doesnt matter what you eat.... I can cut on bacon cheeseburgers and bulk on boiled lentils/beans just make sure you are in caloric deficit

remember 1g protein = 4 calories..... 1g carb = 4 calories .....1g fat = 9 calories
In reality all steroids help with cutting as they help you keep muscle while in a major deficit and some have decent nutrient partitioning (getting hot flashes from carbs is one sign of it)
The proposition that a steriod is going to achieve "thin with abs" is erroneous. I can't even begin to understand why you'd want to use steroids if you want to be thin. Just go down to the pool and do a few hundred laps a week.
I've had a nasty flu this last week. It's been significantly more effective at providing "ripped abs" than any steroid on the market.
Anavar showed me my abs for the 1st time in years,

gotta get real Var tho

Can't wait to start Tren on Monday or Tuesday with VAR, Test & Deca
There is no such thing a as a best steroid for abdominals. Training and diet = abdominals.

Every steroid you can cut on, every steroid you can bulk on. Results are dependent on your diet and training.
The term "Abs are made in the kitchen" really is so true

suppose it goes for any muscle group but especially those like myself seeking the ripped physique