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The Big & Dandy 4-HO-MET Thread - Part 2

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One of my all time favorites. Favorite 4 HO xxx by far. Only 4 aco dmt and aco met rate as highly for me personally. Really high on 4 aco dmt at the moment so apologize for any spelling and general lack of structure to my post. Happy 2014 :) Fireworks were great!!!
I know this isn't my first post praising 4-ho-met, but wow, as far as more recreational psys go, this is one of the best. I thought about writing a trip report, but there isn't much to say other that it's great. about 80mg over the course of a night (idk, 20mg every h or so) produced some of the most colorful and breathtaking visuals I've ever seen. All without any side effects (nausea, body load, ...). The visuals are kind of hard to describe, but imagine 3d shapes morphing to 4d and back again, perspective changing. All very colorful and with no confusion, mind fuck, anxiety.... If you're looking for a very visual psy, with no side effects and mind fuck this is it. No bad effects next day either.
Anyone else have something like this happen to them?

So I take some 4-ho-met with the intent to watch a movie and enjoy the cool visuals. Except no visuals, just mind trip. Kept thinking about certain in my life and stuff. Wasn't a bad trip or anything, just very surprising.

It was 100% 4-ho-met, had some from the same baggy before with all the classic 4-ho-met effects.
black53: Something at least a little bit similar happened to my buddy when we combined 4-HO-MET and DiPT. The combination left him with almost no visuals, but a very strong mind trip. Apart from that: Everytime the dosage and waiting time (~1 week) was adequate, we encountered no problems considering open eye visuals. The closed eye visuals are a bit trickier, we've noticed significantly diminished CEVs (less colorful, vibrant, clear, more foggy) when only waiting 1 week between doses. I guess our brains want some rest.

All in all we really do love 4-HO-MET. Unfortunately another buddy suffered some kind of psychotic break on it (30 mg, 2nd time, already tripped with us with the same dosage) not too long ago, smashed up his whole room, hurt himself, could've easily died if nobody intervened. I'm still trying to get more specifics on this (most importantly if it was only 4-HO-MET or if the diclazepam intended for sleep after the trip was also involved)

Stay safe!
Yeah, I love it to, had it numerous times with no problems ever. One of my favorite psys really :) And the no visuals only mind trip was a bit strange but still enjoyable... no bad or dark feelings or anything like that (I always keep some benzos ready just in case and I never even thought about taking any), just thinking about people in my life, the interactions between us, stuff like that.

Speaking of psychotic break, this isn't exactly like it but a buddy had paranoid thoughts for 10h+ from bk-2c-b (that we were going to kill him and stuff like that). And that was hours after we'd taken it (everyone else - no effects).... if I knew I'd given him some benzos to take home. Now he's sworn of tripping even with stuff that never caused him problems.
That sounds like a psychotic break, I have never experienced that fortunately, I can imagine something like that being quite terrifying. It sounds like it may be best for your buddy to not trip anymore, as a psychotic break is a worrisome and abnormal reaction.
As he describes he knew it was from the drug and not real but was still creepy as fuck. And no, I don't see him taking any psys in the future (even if this was the first and only negative experience he ever had). Hell he gave me all the stuff he had......
I told him to leave them alone for some time and then later if he wants to try again we'd find him one of the psys he liked and I'd trip sit him (with benzos in my pocket) while he tried a low dose.

Idk, kinda shame that the bk-2c-b ruined psys for him...
Yeah that sucks man, but maybe it was bound to happen? :(

It makes me want to try the substance a little less. In fact I doubt I will ever try it.
That's terrible to hear about the bk-2C-B, there are other reports of 'demonic' visuals.
As for 4-HO-MET, I've yet to test it but I think it will be the next 4- subbed tryptamine on my list. I really enjoy 4-AcO-DMT but sometimes the journey is too much to endure so a more recreational version sounds very intriguing.
> That's terrible to hear about the bk-2C-B, there are other reports of 'demonic' visuals.
As far as I got his explanation there were only very mild visuals (+ stuff, like a little shimmering and stuff), the paranoid thoughts were more in his head as he tried to sleep but couldn't. Really should have given everyone who took it a benzo or two and said 'in case you can't sleep' or something.

> Yeah that sucks man, but maybe it was bound to happen?
Maybe, but I did ask about family history of mental disease before giving him anything (he got his first psy from me after he said he was interested.... 2c-c (4-ho-met wasn't as available as it is now and that's the easygoing one I picked at the time).... loved it) and there is none. Also never had any problems with any other psys after that. Well, not much that I can do now to change it anyway.... maybe he'll decide to try again and it'll go well, maybe it wont, maybe he wont even try, all up to him, not really my place to try and force anything.

As for the bk-2c-b I'd recommend having some benzos ready for anyone who wants to try it. Better safe than sorry.

>As for 4-HO-MET, I've yet to test it but I think it will be the next 4- subbed tryptamine on my list.
You definitely should, it's one of the most easygoing, side effect free and very visual psys (at least for me)...

Oh, has anyone had any good effects combining 4-ho-met with other trypts (mostly thinking about 4-ho/4-aco ones)? What kind of effects? What was the dose? Which trypt? ...
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I had a nice experience with 4-HO-MET & 4-ACO-DMT a few years ago. Changed the character of the visuals a bit & added more mental "depth" to the experience if that makes sense. More or less what I'd expected
Do you happen to remember the dose of each?

Also, anyone tried stuff like 4-ho-met + 4-aco-dpt/4-aco-dipt/4-aco-det/4-ho-dipt/4-ho-mipt? Basically with the 4-ho-met as the main drug at about 20mg and the other one to add something special to the experience at about 10mg.
Tried 10mg of 4-HO-MET from my most favoritest vendor in the world. Came in little "microdots" stamped with a 'Droid' symbol. Kind of like an itty bitty E tab.
This was absolutely bar none the best psychedelic trip I have had in years, and it was quite benign compared to the LSZ trip I had just two weeks prior.
Before the LSZ I hadn't taken [RC] psychedelics since 2c-e was legal. LSZ was great and all. Extremely intense visuals, better than any psych i've ever taken before. But there was an insane paranoia with the whole heart-rate and blood pressure perception as well as the mental and physical restlessness.

With 4-HO-MET, none of this was present. I'll try and compile a sort of timeline of effects for you.

0:00 - 1 10mg tabled is ingested with water. empty stomach. A and I proceed to play xbox awaiting effects.
0:10 - is when i would say the first alerts started happening. nothing too obvious to my partner (first time tripper), but for me I knew that something was coming on. just a feeling i'm used to.
0:20 - definite altered perception. colors are slightly deeper. my body and head feel lighter. there's a fluidity to my movement.
0:30 - slight visuals begin. breathing/shifting textures: carpet/walls. partner also notices this
0:45 - everything is absolutely hilarious. we're both astounded at how quickly the drug has taken effect. wouldn't say we've peaked by now but we're definitely at a ++/+++ by now.
1:00 - we go for a walk, talking about all sorts of things. laughing all the way. i haven't laughed this hard on a psychedelic since the first few times i took mushrooms. this drug reminds me a lot of mushrooms, but with a lot less unforgiving, dark psychological effects or fear and uncertainty. nothing about this experience is threatening.
i'm sure i'm not the only one to have taken psychs and experienced this phenomenon with others, but there is an extremely frequent tendency for things that happen or that we say in conversation on this drug to become like catch phrases throughout the trip which instantly spawn bouts of uncontrollable nostalgic laughter. It's a hard thing to explain, but I'm sure anyone who's experienced it will know what I'm talking about.
For example: A's bust of Beethoven fell off the shelf and broke, leaving a bunch of pieces on the ground. When we found that his face was intact in one broken-off piece, we could not stop laughing for at least 45 minutes. Beethoven's facial expression on the bust added 10-fold to the hilarity. We keep his face piece to this day as a memory of that awesome time.
2:00 - we're back inside in awe of the visuals, talking less but still laughing hard. peak somewhere between 2 and 3 hours.
4:00 - start to notice a decline in effects.
6:00 - almost baseline. this is when we dosed 300ug of LSZ which is unrelated to this report, though I do think it is worth noting that there was significantly reduced effect from what I expected of 300ug of LSZ. I would suggest at least 10 hours before dosing 4-ho-met before dosing any other tryptamines. I didn't wait long enough between for the tolerance from 4-ho-met to disappear, as I had heard that the tolerance from such doesn't last very long.

All-in-all, this is my absolute favorite tryptamine RC on the market. I can't wait to get my hands on some more.
Wow, you got effects that strong from only 10mg? Lucky you... :)
Yes, my partner and I were completely stunned for the rest of the day at how impressive it had been over all from a relatively small dose.
I have read about the dose of 4-ho-met varying wildly. Some times getting a +++ from 10-20mg, and others taking 30mg and only availing a ++.
That's me, I have had it up to 30mg and never gotten past a +2.
4 subs are weird. I have a friend that says that he hasn't gotten anything more than placebo from any dose of ANY 4-sub tryptamine. Mushrooms included. I have a hard time believing him but he is pretty convincing at how shitty it is. I feel sorry for him.
ArmouredKitten, I can relate to your experience very strongly. I've taken a lot of different psychedelics in my day, but I don't think anything has given me the level of gut-busting laughter that 4-ho-met has. I had a very similar trip one time off of a relatively low dose (about 12-15mg nasal) one time, where my friend and I randomly fixated on this 2-second audio clip from an audiobook that I accidentally clicked on and played at some point. It was just the phrase "THIS is Audible," but for some reason it was the most hilarious thing on the face of the Earth, to the point where we literally could not stop laughing about it for an hour straight or longer. It got to the point where it was painful to laugh and we had to kind of force ourselves to calm down, but god was it fun. This was the peak of the trip, and I don't think I've ever felt anything like it before or since. I've done much higher doses of Metocin a couple times before too, but for whatever reason this trip was just unbelievably hilarious. I guess 4-sub tryptamines can be sort of odd like that.
I just took 10mg of this rectally, after taking a larger dose a couple of days ago, and had the strongest trip on it yet, including 20mg and 30mg oral trials. Visually it was just enhanced colors and a very crisp, precise vision, but mentally/emotionally this was a very full experience, whereas all of my previous experiences with it had seemed incomplete somehow, like they never came to fruition. It was a fairly intense come-up that started almost literally as soon as I finished taking it (dissolved in water). I want to write a trip report but one of the things it's done is made it very difficult to describe the way I am feeling. Hopefully one will come soon. The trip took place in nature, on a mountain, and I felt very connected to nature yet very alien at the same time.
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