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    Drug Discussion

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What's your guys drug usage like?

Drugs haven't done me any favours

I find them a waste of time

I rarely do drugs now... and I really want to start something and make a business and have a good income before I become lazy and take drugs

Because now when I take drugs... it fucks me up with my stamina

I work 7 days a week 80 hours a week... and I really don't wanna be loosing my stamina


I don't smoke... but I have started smoking cigars now... and starting to drink a little now aswell... gone off drugs to legal high's so to speak

I alot of the time have too much energy to sit still and think slowly... smoking slows me down and then I can think clearly and actually sit still and enjoy my environment
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I haven't used any illegal drugs for a fair while now.
Now I just have my daily dose of methadone and 2-3 times a week I will have 10mg diazepam which I find really helps me to get a good sleep.
I'm determined to try and get my hands on some dmt.
From the reports I've read by Dan and others it has really got my interest up in a big way.
The instant trip side of it appeals greatly not to mention the things that folk see and experience on it, sounds like a fascinating drug.
Took small amounts of DMT and some mushrooms

God mushrooms were terrible... took 3.5g and was going like crazy... was rolling everywhere... couldn't sleep... I forced some food down me to try and slow it down to get sleep

Then I felt incredibly sick for a little while... and slowly fell asleep

I would rather do a stim binge than do that again
You feel like shit after good meph!

Fuck me that stuff can do a number on ya. I remember being at a house party down in brighton when meph had just really hit the scene. There were several 10 gram bags doing the rounds and we all were just treating it like fucking Sherbert or summit. My brain was hollowed out for the next five days no shit. In fairness i've had similar comedowns off the 10 pills plus a gram of mandy that i was just telling dan about the other day, but meph seems to me to be even more of a blunt tool. It literally bored out the inside of my fucking mind. If was probably even more physical as well. Go on a serious meph bender, ie several grams and you will be very wrong the best part of a week.
That stuff used to ruin me, absolute belter of a buzz though. amazing. the amount of times i struggled through work feeling lethargic with heart palps, depressed and anxious, paranoid. then as soon as i recovered around wednesday/thurs, the next weekend would come, after a few vodkas and pints id be back on it, wide eyes jaw grinding, gurning my tits off, talking at full chat about everything. raving and dancing my tits off, house partys. everybody was on it, wide dialated eyes all over the place, loved up atmosphere, wicked stuff. moreish. and made everything fucking stink. then the ban came and the stuff gradually got more shite, who knows what i was hoofing half the time

MXE used to give me some amazing afterglows. once a week MXE id be glowing for half the week. ket does as well but not quite on par
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Barbs! I wonder if a barb might aid rest without producing next day Brain Zaps..? I've never tried any of these new qualude type compounds.

They seem to hit as I'm waking, usually if I move my head, turn over in bed. If I get up quickly, I get a bad one, if I lean down to put shoes on, I get a bad one.

If I've done something stupid, like 4-fa for instance, I could suffer them throughout the next day & have to spend it moving around carefully, slowly to avoid triggering them.

If I'm not doing anything stupid, & I'm not taking etiz for any reason, the Zaps ease up loads & sometimes disapear altogether.

Yeah they prob would help with that, very well in the short term at least but I would do a lot of research before going down that road -If you are considering it that is, I would not if I were you to be honest mate.
I would get bad zaps from doing chemicals, I don't from the safrole mdma though. Mushrooms can help with that type of thing, something to look into maybe?
You would be better with some 5 - HTP imo (or any amino acid that encourages Serotonin-pointless though if you are on an SSRI already probably and may be dangerous) and a long rest between substance that deplete serotonin.

How would mushrooms help out of interest..genuine question.

I really wouldn't ignore brain zaps.
Mushrooms can help with certain seizure type disorders. There are no links to anything published on it but I know a person who used 3 doses of shrooms and no longer suffers frontal lobe seziures. They had been advised by someone in India, not sure if it would work but its worth a go as worst case you just get to have a nice trip. Kind of like Dmt treatment for addiction or ibogine -nobody really knows how they really work.
hmmm gotta say think laying off it for a good 3 months (whatever caused it) may be better :D I think maybe clarification of how people are experiencing their brain zaps. In my world a brain zap and a seizure are very different things indeed. There is a really old thread somewhere here on bluelight about brain zaps..hang on a mo..


Seizure and brain zaps very different? Seizures not due to Serotonin depletion?

knackered off to bed. Take it easy.
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Doing a lot more drugs than I used to say a year ago. Mostly benzos, EPH, and codeine, although not all at once. Not smoked weed bar one or two joints since June and don't have much desire to, weirdly, cos I used to smoke fucking shitloads before that.

Don't have any real schedule to drug taking. Don't go out much, once or twice a month and then just stick to booze. Uni allows for me to take stims during the week cos I'll have maybe two days between classes and then weekend I'll recover and do nowt. Is nice but weird.
The last 8 ball of coke lasted almost 12 months. I bought half an ounce of weed for summer and I've barely put a dent in in. The same guy gave me 12 trips and I'm have the first one this weekend.

I've watched 3 seasons of Game of Thrones in the last 10 days
Must be lovely all that self control OTW, I think you're full of shit though..;)
Mushrooms can help with certain seizure type disorders. There are no links to anything published on it but I know a person who used 3 doses of shrooms and no longer suffers frontal lobe seziures.

I think there is far more evidence to suggest mushrooms can bring on seizures if you're that way inclined. Have seen them cause seizures myself... really puts a downer on things staring at somebody's face trying to work out if they broke their nose when they hit the floor
Pretty irregular drug use here. MD around once every three weeks and 1-2g of ket a month, with the odd acid/shrooms/speed session.

I've watched 3 seasons of Game of Thrones in the last 10 days

They're very naughty ending the episodes on a bunch of cliffhangers which practically forces you to watch more.