Mental Health Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Support and Advice

i'm from michigan, which may as well be canada

but yeah man winters up north suck

i do okay during the day time, but it gets dark at 5PM... then by the time 10PM rolls around it feels like the middle of the night, but i'm wide awake and all i can focus on is being miserable...

Fuck yeah man Michigan get's way colder then here in Atlantic Canada. You guys get pretty much the same weather as Ontario which of course means that bone chilling cold that makes me want to sit in a hot bath and not get out of it until spring. No wonder i used to put rum in my coffee when i lived in Toronto. I did it to stop me from turning into a Popsicle because i was certainly not used to that kind of winter that you get there. Well that and i was a alcoholic at the time :\ . Here in the part of Newfoundland i live in -10C is a rarity most winters but in Ontario and especially Ottawa i saw weeks where it never got above -20C 8o . Like goddamn that is cold.

Here it's pretty much dark around 4:30 now which is rather depressing to say the least :| . I have felt better lately though so i guess the wellbutrin is doing it's job.

that looks magical. yes please <3

^ Right.. its kinda amazing.. I never had any dreams it would work this well.. I put it on and some of my symptoms are better as soon as I do and then ever the course of thirty or forty minutes my whole attitude changes and I find myself energized and truely awake.. I will continue to report how it continues to go.. but if it stays this positive or even gets better I will be very happy.. cant believe I didn't get one of these a long time ago..
That's amazing! I'm glad it works so well, I can't believe I put off getting one all those winters I suffered.
I also super duper recommend getting a light. I used to have mine in my office at work because I got no daylight at all any time of year and was starting to go a bit nuts because of it. I have a prescription one, but I hear that a lot of the commercially available ones are good too. I also take 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily (I'm normally pretty deficient, even in the summer), and a hefty B-complex to help keep my energy up. I'm just super thankful I finally got an office with a window. It literally changed my life. :)
I've had the opposite of what I was having 2 weeks ago. I think I'm hypomanic. Slept maybe 4 hours in the last 2 days then crashed early. Slept ok but now I'm up at the crack of dawn.
This snow is killing me. I can't take much more of this ugh
This is the worst winter in over a decade here. It's after been a really long time where -15C is the fucking daytime high here. There's also so much goddamn snow that you can barely even drive a skidoo on it because once you go off the trail at all you get bogged down. Having to lift around a few hundred pound skidoo by yourself kind of takes all the fun out of it :! . Id rather the normal constant rain, drizzle and fog over this shit any motherfucking day thank you very much :p

I really really hope that we get a decent spring for fucking once after this shitty winter because this is really getting me down.
This is the worst winter in over a decade here. It's after been a really long time where -15C is the fucking daytime high here. There's also so much goddamn snow that you can barely even drive a skidoo on it because once you go off the trail at all you get bogged down. Having to lift around a few hundred pound skidoo by yourself kind of takes all the fun out of it :! . Id rather the normal constant rain, drizzle and fog over this shit any motherfucking day thank you very much :p

I really really hope that we get a decent spring for fucking once after this shitty winter because this is really getting me down.

I'm right there with you :(
Hand in there guys<3

So the light continues to work beautifully. Its kinda crazy.. and this is my experience so far.

I turn it on and feel instantly better from some of the symptoms I have when I wake up.. like sore eyes and feeling lethargic and tired.. these get better almost immediately.. which is weird because normal lighting and real sunlight hurt my eyes for a long time when I used to get up. This light makes all that feel better.

Then over the course of thirty or forty minutes the light makes me feel wide awake, productive, energized and calm.. kinda like the feeling you get when on a beautiful day in summer and you look around and take a deap breath and think how wonderful the world is. I know it sounds like I full of it but Im so glad im not.

Thanks gain to everyone who suggested this<3 It really has made such a difference that Im blown away still. Thanks again.
It smelled like spring today from a southern wind or something it was good.. Light is still working good.
I wish they would not change the clocks in the fall so we would have an hour more light in the evening. It would be darker in the morning and I realize that children have to go to school and it could be dangerous to them, so its another consideration. And conserning the lack of light, I used to grow bud in my room. It was helpful with SAD so I would stay in there for hours and hours, enjoying the aroma was a pick me up as well. I'm planing on a larger plot in the future and will probably put a cot in there an nap the blues away.