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Drug Sabbatical Support & Appreciation Thread Mk. III: New Beginnings

I dunno wtf im going to do, my motivation and energy has been at all time low since the bupe bings 6 days ago left my system, today i could barely be arsed to move let alone do anything productive.

I found a tub with about 2 tablespoons of poppy pod powder in it. Id had enough of feeling like shit, so i had 1 tablespoonfull earlier on, and how nice did that feel. Figuring its best to prevent another relapse im just finishing the remainder off now.

I dont know wtf im going to do if i dont get a job soon, I'll have to start ebaying everything, downgrading everything ive upgraded, maybe sell my house, and find somewhere to rent where the interest from the house sale covers the rent, bills and living expenses. Might have to move to a poorer country to do that. Its an absolute bastard trying to quit opis it robs you of all energy, motivation, ideas, inintiative, everything. I wonder how long it takes for all this to start recovering.

Its only with the aid of this powder that ive been able to order almost everything I'll need for the next month, and got thoroughly cracking on the washing up too. Ive also felt so much warmer today, been freezing for the last few days. It seems to be true that opiates keep you warm. I sometimes wonder if its worth all this lethargy to give up opis, i hate being chained to anything, but how fucking long does it take to get over this ?
It's only been 6 days though! I've had no motivation for two years. How are you going to get motivation to move to Thailand if you don't have motivation to do your dishes :D

In summary, give it a bit longer before you lose your head ;)
Hopefully my masterplan pinched off Sammy G will come into play tonight, ive got 95 % of my dirty dishes from the kitchen soaking in that 99.9 % germ killer stuff. Hoping for a huge energy boost in the next hour or two to get all that blitzed and all the spare stuff is going into storage, and im just keeping the bare minimum in use; 1 plate, 1 bowl etc. This will prevent washing up mountains building up all the time.

I wish I knew the answer to the question about motivation, I guess I have to give time, time. My timing in terms of the time of year to quit could absolutelty not have been worse. I didnt plan to be qutting at this time of year, it was all supposed to be over by April or something. Do you re-gain energy by rest and recuparation or forcing yourself out and about to get some excercise, like walk for at least 1 hour per day or something ?

Im not gonna loose my head any more than its allready lost lol, its incerdible, the tea is kicking in and im immediately feeling far more positive about everything. I reckon this dose will see me good for 48 hours, and then back to the fucking grind all over again. You're right though, its only been 6 days, i need to be more patient, and get things into perspective better.
I haven't regained my energy :| the banks and insurance companies took it all.
Fuck. You do have your moments though, with some inspired and long posts.

(almost) ex opi dependant person seeks advice from some sage who has been through this and recovered.
aye, modafinil was the little miracle that helped me through most of this with pregabalin a few times a week too. Inevitably ive built a tolerance to modafinil by now though through slipping into daily use of it, and its just not giving me the same kick anymore. Stronger stims would be a very short term solution, but for the longer term it has to be to reduce my drug consumption.
Right, sick of feeling sick and tired. What a fucking mess ive got myself into. If its not opis, its benzos, or stims, and now even noids omfg. Today i tried no stims, held out until about 5 minutes ago and had half a modafinil, as allthough maybe lying in bed all day may be what my body needs my mind is too restless. I know a guy who was heavily into speed for ten years, id hate to imagine how he felt when he quit a habit of that duration, just a few months of modafinil has given me a tolerance, and i have absolutely no energy without it. Its clear some people have a better constitution and physical resilience for all this lark. I need to get everything reset back to zero but i havent got the patience or the stamina to do it. My etiz dose is definately getting another trim this evening. Im taking enough to knock out an elephant, no wonder i feel like this.
Remember you'll still be drained from the bupe taper for quite some time, so it won't always be quite this shitty. Must be a drag though.

Well done on reaching the decision to trim the etiz dose. That's a step in the right direction, for sure.
No MDMA for me for 2 months at least. All my new friends i know, only cuz of drugs, and i hate that.

I just need to change....I just cant let my famaly be dissapointed in me. :( you get the point
Good luck eLW, but Ben is right, it goes surprisingly fast once you're actually in it. Just keep yourself as busy as you can and I'm sure soon enough you'll be looking back adequately proud of yourself :)
Whilst browsing leaflets at the clinic earlier I came across one for this place: SMART Recovery. Thought I'd post the linky up as it's a bit different to stuff I've seen before. It's partly based on CBT (which I know several people here have had success with for other issues) along with other forms of therapy. I have no idea about bricks and mortar locations but they provide an online support community too (amongst other things). I've not checked the site over cos haven't been back long and - frankly - am not a fan of CBT. However, plenty get along very well with it so thought it worth a mention as something a bit different to 12 Step and standard DSP services.

Would be interested to hear back if anybody has success with it - small or large. And good luck to all on sabbaticals <3
I thought maybe it would be a good idea to revive this thread for those that are wanting to take breaks from drugs, whatever the reason & however long the break may be. Always nice to get a bit of support for such things. :)

Me? Tonight I'll be taking drugs.
I've noticed recently that Google isn't showing BL at the top of the searches anymore... it always used to. Guess that's a lesson learnt, shall double check with the forum one if I don't find what I want.