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The DEA is secretly spying on all Americans and feeding the info to local police

BTW since when was this a secret? Anyway its why I would only discuss things in person to people I've known for a long time. That is if I did drugs of course. I don't do anything illegal of course. Hold on I'll edit this later someone's at the door.
The doj is suppossed to begin an investigation into the sog abuses or the "alleged" abuses. My understanding of how the information sharing w/local authorities began was from the fbi's counterrorism task force formation. These task forces were formed in every city that has a fbi field office(156?), I believe. Involved were dea,ice, nsa(probably,) and of course the fbi.
Top local law enforcement was also a part of the ct task force.How could there not be illegal information-sharing under the colour of anti-terrorism?
So now the doj will investigate it's own enforcement and allegations of illegal information sharing. I see this as all well and good. Of course there was no wrohgdoing.lol.
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The second that real reforms start kicking in, don't be surprised if bombs start going off in western cities and everybody starts clamoring to be surveilled again.
In order to stand up, we'd need to communicate and organize. Of course, the DEA is monitoring all communication, and they have many tools at their disposal to limit organization. Look at what happened to one guy in Florida on his way to a protest rally:

(if you don't believe me that the DEA is deploying anti-first-amendment bears, you need to pay closer attention to your surroundings)

Good fancy dress is that.
The second that real reforms start kicking in, don't be surprised if bombs start going off in western cities and everybody starts clamoring to be surveilled again.

Boston must have been an fluke then. I don't care that there is counterterrosism ops. It's when ihformation has been gathered and there is no jihadis,talis,or al-queda or plo or muslim brotherhood activity but local law enforcement uses the tnfo to do civil forfeitures orundermine the 4th,5th,14th amendments .......then,there's reason to be very concerned of the furtherance of a police state. In the case of criminal charges how is a defendant to gain discovery?Mount a proper defense?
All of the evidence should be considered fruit of the poisionous tree and unconstitutional.
Boston must have been an fluke then. I don't care that there is counterterrosism ops. It's when ihformation has been gathered and there is no jihadis,talis,or al-queda or plo or muslim brotherhood activity but local law enforcement uses the tnfo to do civil forfeitures orundermine the 4th,5th,14th amendments .......then,there's reason to be very concerned of the furtherance of a police state. In the case of criminal charges how is a defendant to gain discovery?Mount a proper defense?
All of the evidence should be considered fruit of the poisionous tree and unconstitutional.

^ In regards to 23536's comment I think what dude is saying is and correct me if I'm wrong is that the powers that be will be the ones doing the bombing,
false flag attacks to justify further surveillance powers.
Of course attacks don't even have to happen, the fear of one is enough, fake threats can easily be manufactured and then be promoted by the mainstream media as having been prevented all thanks to big brother.

I think it's no coincidence that on the back of the Snowden leaks and the public concern over these surveillance programs that we start seeing the spectre of Al-Qaeda popping up in the media, shit like this;

"" “This is the most serious threat that I’ve seen in the last several years,” Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Republican on the chamber’s Intelligence Committee, said today on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program. “There’s been an awful lot of chatter out there” among terrorists planning attacks, Chambliss said, noting that this was “reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11.” ""

"" King, a New York Republican, called the threat intelligence “the most specific I’ve seen” since the attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001 . ""

And my personal favourite;

"“This is a wake-up call,” King said. “Al Qaida is in many ways stronger than it was before 9/11, because it’s mutated and spread, and can come at us in different directions. ""

Well if that's the case it's a good thing we had those 2 wars , spent billions of dollars , took thousands of innocent lives and then removed everyone's rights.
I honestly didn't mean my comment as a personal attack on 23536. If that is the way it was perceived, I apologize. The entirety of this article makes my blood boil, The way that the people in the U S have been manipulated (and our allies too),lied to,and abused is criminal. The real problem with the collection and storage of meta data will emerge within the next 12-18 months.
Congress has already passed a law (found) in 18 USC
In a nutshell the law states that data which has been collected and is in storage can be accessed in it's first 6 months only with a search warrant.....fair enough right. Well after identifiable data has been in storage past 6 months any government agency can acces s the data for any reason that dept. deems necessary. The irs , dea, nsa ,ice ,whomever can secure the data. How can such a law have any constitutional standing? Private communications secured and held w/out a warrant after 6 months could be used as evidence in civil and criminal proceedings.
My father, who I mentioned in a post earlier in this thread, was admitted to the hospital today. His health is failing.

He told me, "Getting old is hard, kiddo. Harder than you ever think its going to be. But I don't want to be alive for what comes next."

I have tears in my eyes writing this. His death will be the hardest heartache I have suffered.

But at least the criminal infrastructure in the U.S. from the White House on down and the decay and death of the Constitution of the United States is making it easier for my father to accept and be at peace with his own death.
I just hate when any group or organization is above the law. This is no different than the Catholic church granting asylum to pedophiles in the Vatican, where they're allowed to continue molesting kids. The laws should apply to everyone or no one. The three-letter agencies are breaking virtually every law known to man on a grand scale without repercussions (except maybe a raise/promotion). Meanwhile, good hard-working people are suffering. That's the very definition of injustice and part of the reason our country is in decline.
Problem is, the ones holding the highest positions of authority have no accountability. They simply aren't held to the same standards as the common person, aren't subject to the same laws. If anything, those is power should be more accountable than anyone else, not the other way around!

The news of the last several days has been bad, very bad, and has shown just how abusive the government here the US really is to the people it is supposed to serve.

Why lie about where an investigation starts unless you have_something_to_hide in the first place?
Congress Asks Eric Holder To Explain Why NSA Supplies DEA Info Which It Then Launders To Go After Americans


from the about-time dept

A few weeks back, Reuters broke the news that the NSA (and other intelligence agencies) were funneling information to the DEA, IRS and others, telling them about potential wrongdoing, but then also telling them to effectively launder the information, so that it never came out where they got the information from, and that it didn't show up in any court case. For example, they might send info to the DEA about a likely drug deal, and the DEA would then tell its agents that they should come up with a pretense to stop a certain truck at a certain truck stop at a certain time. The agents would work with local police to concoct a reason to pull the truck over, and voila, drugs found. But, most importantly, at no point would the fact that such information was used to lead to the stop be revealed, and that's unconstitutional. If you're accused, you're supposed to have access to all of the evidence being used against you.

It appears that a bunch of folks in Congress want some answers about this program, and so Eric Holder has been sent yet another letter with questions from a bunch of Senators and Representatives, and there will be yet another briefing where I'm sure he'll promise a full investigation into the practice and maybe promise some internal changes to guidelines, but where nothing will actually change. It really does seem like a very significant portion of Eric Holder's job these days is to respond to the latest scandal of government overreach by promising that he'll fix it, and nothing much ever seems to change.

And people still tell me I'm a wingnut when I say things like the government it listening...

People are arrogant, ignorant, close minded and easily manipulated. Whatchya gonna do.
We as Americans let this happen. Its time for a revolution. Each man and woman bravely standing up to our bloated corrupt government.
Dem's fightin' words. Please stand by. A vehicle will be along shortly to transfer you to your new FEMA...erm..."Residence"! Yeah, "Residence".