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Using "the pill" to skip periods

The weeks break and withdrawal bleed was something drug manufacturers incoporated into the cycle when the pill was first invented to make the method more appealing to women, as women were more comfortable with a bleed that mimicked the nautural cyle. And also a handy way of identifying early pregnancy.

Its not a proper bleed in any way as you're not ovulating. There's no logical reason why not having a monthly bleed should be unhealthy or bad for you, the main risk being a pregnancy can go unnoticed.

I do however think the pill itself is unhealthy and bad for you and would encourage all women to consider the non-hormone coil.
I do however think the pill itself is unhealthy and bad for you and would encourage all women to consider the non-hormone coil.
Do you have 1st hand experience with this? Do you know if it will impact future decisions to get pregnant?

I'm sure I could google but I'm lazy plus speaking with a human is better ;)
^As far as I know they don't change anything about your chances to get pregnant later on, however they do carry a number of risks - for instance:
- Increased blood pressure
- Particularly dangerous if you smoke (woopsie) because they increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Increased risk of certain cancers (cervical and liver) but also decreased risk of others (ovarian and endometrical).

That's just off the top of my head from doing a bit of research over the years. There are definitely healthier methods of contraception...but that being said, I do prefer the pill myself just because it's so easy, practical and doesn't get me too paranoid about pregnancy :\
My GF has been taking the pill constantly for 5 years ( our time together) and I have worried about if that was healthy or not. Is it? She basically shut down her factory the whole time we have been together. I worry about its condition if we decide to have a little spud.

She has been taking straight hormone all 30+ days of the month, every month. No iron pills. No period. For 5 years.
^Yeah no that definitely can't be good. Skipping your period two or three times a year is one thing, not having had it in 5 years is another. When she gets off the pill (she can't stay on it for life - or certainly shouldn't! Past 35 all the risks are greatly increased) her cycle is going to be incredibly messed up and her hormones are going to go insane.
Quick google search tells me that not having your period at least 4 times a year also increases chances of cancer etc. Don't know if it's true but a fair number of people seem to be saying it. In any case it definitely sounds unhealthy adn she really shouldn't do that...At all...
Ok, thank you for the replies. I asked my doctor about this specific thing and he said it was ok to do. Maybe he didn't understand exactly what I was saying.
I've used the pill to skip my period on a handful of occasions. I always thought, as badandwicked said, that the withdrawal bleed was incoporated as women were more comfortable menstruating monthly, but that this wasn't actually necessary for any health reasons.

For those that say it's unhealthy, what are the actual risks? I, too, just feel that I should have mine every month, but I'd be really interested to know what actual documented detrimental effects there are from skipping it. Or, for those who've said it's unhealthy, is it because you feel negative symptoms like the bloating, etc., mentioned earlier in the thread when skipping?
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What about depo provera or implanon? If you keep getting the shot you wont have your perioid correct? And implanon is used for years, though I don't know how it impacts the female cycle.
I know a woman who skipped her period for years and now her uterus is fucked up more than a road kill. I don't exactly know the details, because it is lady's business and she is a psycho bitch at the best of times so I don't really care that much, but she does require surgery now and regrets it very much.

Make of that what you will.
I have the."nexplanon" its the implant.. they changed it the end of last year to the nexplanone.. no major changes lol I bleed every month... except i have always had an extremely heavy flow.. now its regulated much better... I have been on the mini pill, nuvoring, the patch, depo an now the implant... I have had pregnancys with any estrogen based birth control. Even when taken the correct way. An I have to say symptom wise this is the best one iv been on!!!!
For those that say it's unhealthy, what are the actual risks? I, too, just feel that I should have mine every month, but I'd be really interested to know what actual documented detrimental effects there are from skipping it. Or, for those who've said it's unhealthy, is it because you feel negative symptoms like the bloating, etc., mentioned earlier in the thread when skipping?

I am actually curious too, I need to do some more research!
I know my doctor told me not to skip periods. I just kinda went with it. They won't let me refill my prescription if I skip my period more than once in a three month time span (they have rules about that), I have to wait an extra week. Luckily I have never encountered that since I never skipped my period that often.
I would say maybe it's just the increase of hormones going onto your body, like nonstop, without getting that week break. I can see it messing that up quite a bit. I did this research years ago, stuff has probably changed, and I don't remember it in depth except that I figured I could skip it maybe twice a year and nothing bad would happen lol.
I've used the pill to skip my period on a handful of occasions. I always thought, as badandwicked said, that the withdrawal bleed was incoporated as women were more comfortable menstruating monthly, but that this wasn't actually necessary for any health reasons.

For those that say it's unhealthy, what are the actual risks? I, too, just feel that I should have mine every month, but I'd be really interested to know what actual documented detrimental effects there are from skipping it. Or, for those who've said it's unhealthy, is it because you feel negative symptoms like the bloating, etc., mentioned earlier in the thread when skipping?

If you look at page 1 I listed a couple of the supposed consequences of skipping your period too often :) it's just some stuff I found online so I don't know how reliable it is but it sounds pretty accurate. Basically I think the main risk is it amplifies all the risks brought on by the pill x100 - and there are some pretty nasty risks :\
Why are all you ladies fucking with your menstrual cycle?

They said it doesn't fuck it up but after years and years-- your hormone levels are way way way down and you'll have to take hormone shots just to reproduce.
Why are all you ladies fucking with your menstrual cycle?

They said it doesn't fuck it up but after years and years-- your hormone levels are way way way down and you'll have to take hormone shots just to reproduce.

Years and years of what? Birth control use? Skipping periods? I said I used my pills to skip it once- I don't think I'm going to need hrt for skipping my period once with the pill.
Why are all you ladies fucking with your menstrual cycle?

They said it doesn't fuck it up but after years and years-- your hormone levels are way way way down and you'll have to take hormone shots just to reproduce.

I used to because my ex and I didn't have many opportunities for sex so when one was coming up I always wanted to make sure I wouldn't be on my period... :|
Lol, aw thats just a nice sacrifice you made.

Years and years of what? Birth control use? Skipping periods? I said I used my pills to skip it once- I don't think I'm going to need hrt for skipping my period once with the pill.

Birth control.
^ Interesting.

Do you have an article talking about how the pill negatively impacts future fertility? I'd be interested in looking at that.
i've skipped my period before also, but usually i'll just delay it by a few days in case i accidentally schedule a gyno appt (i have endometriosis & have had ovarian cysts twice, so i see my gyno three or four times a year) or a brazilian. sometimes i'll skip it altogether for a month because my periods, even on the pill, still suck beyond belief.

the pill has saved my life though... i used to have four awful days of cramping (out of eight), to the point where i'd miss work or school & it would negatively impact my mood, my relationships, everything. now i have only one & a half days like that & the pill shortened my period to four days. it's a lifesaver, not kidding.
Going through crappy symptoms like that every month would SUCK. you ladies have it difficult in a few key areas and I feel for ya.