14th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Hey white boy, what you doin' uptown?

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I'm not in Cincy, but close. I think we're probably talking about the same supply-chain. What you describe is dead-on. Gotta be careful when handling it so that it does not clump up and you can snort it. From talking with other people, I think I started getting it at a rare time that it was on the tar end of the spectrum, but usually it's rocks/powder and really dark in colour. Blessing because it's consistent fire, but a curse because it physically grabs you by the balls after just a few days on.

So what do you all suggest for an OTC product to handle the yawns? I'm not really concerned with the teary-eyes or the mucus. I'm just looking for anything OTC that can reduce the amount of yawns and/or the desire to have the mouth hanging open during WD.
I know where you are and yeah it looks pretty much like the same stuff, was sad when my nig ran out lol

But for wd I've said it once I'll say it again, Lyrica is the best and helps just about every dope sick symptom ime
Some people say they have no effects from it, but it definitely helped me a lot through wd, especially because RLS was my main worst problem and the sweating/anxiety/uneasyness but the lyrica seemed to like mask all of that completely and even produced a sort of nice little buzz

Ask around a lot of people are prescribed to it and I think it could possibly really help you
L-tyro and a shit ton of B vitamins according to the Thomas recipe. 5 hour energy works ok for me. I don't think there's too much caffeine in there and it's easy to find.

So one of my favorite things to do for awhile now is to cop before work in the morning. I've never actually done it with my current dealer and not knowing if she even serves in the AM I called her last night. She said no problem just give me a call and I'll wake up. Well she didn't.

So here I am at work stone sober having gotten up early and I drove fifteen minutes there for nothing. Not exactly thrilled atm. I'm so used to dealing with old guys that it's extra disappointing.
^ Sucks, sounds like it's gonna be a long day unless you can go out and cop during lunch or something
re: Lyrica - Ya, a few pages back I was praising Neurontin/gabapentin, which is very similar. My girl has a script for gabapentin and hopefully I can convince her to help me out again. She did last time and they really helped mentally at least. And I think, in turn, it made a lot of the physical symptoms seem totally bearable. But it didn't so much help with the yawns. The RLS and the various pains, yes. With the yawns it's like when I'm focused on one thing, such as watching a movie, I don't have them that bad. But the second I go out in public and try and do something, I cannot keep my mouth closed. This always lags for me too, like I'm still doing it on days 4 and 5. Haha, whenever I go and cop while in WD, I always feel like my mouth's hanging open 8o.

I actually had a script for gabapentin a few years back from my old psychiatrist. It was given to me for sleep. I really would like to get back on that, I just am too stubborn to justify spending money on doctor's visits (and no insurance right now...).

Will stop by the market and see if I can get some L-tyro to add to my kit.
I tried gabapentin once while dope sick but it didn't seem to work any where near as good as the pregabalin, but that's just ime, everyone is different...
It made my vision all fucked up though like, it wouldn't stop shaking and I was trying to look at something and just couldn't keep my vision from fluttering up and down, I don't even really know how to explain it.

It also seemed to make me twitch a lot more than the pregablin

But yeah the yawns and watery eyes/runny nose is a bitch, I found benzo's help a little bit, but I had no tolerance to diazepam and would only have to take little pieces and it would make me feel a little better for a while at least and kinda clear up the leaky fluid flowing from the face lol
My eyes always get super teary. My gf is always asking me why I'm crying. I'm tired of looking like such a little bitch:( haha. But in my experience with wds alprazolam and weed have been godsends. Never tried the gabapentin/pregabalin deal but I def will if some turns up. Anything to make it easier. So not looking forward to winter break. I'm sure these buns will be long gone and ill be stuck for almost a month nearly two hundred miles from my connect. It's gonna be tough.
Never had pregabalin but, I think gaba helps a lot. Weed is feat for me too but, it's gotta be an indica dom strain and I can't really be blazed all day at work. I feel you guys on the eyes too. I have really light blue eyes so any change is obvious.

Just left and copped. Life is good
Oh ya, really would prefer going the weed and benzos route. Unfortunately, most of my recent WDs are for urine screens, and those kinda force me into the gabapentin + OTCs route. Not gunna really say more here since that's venturing into D/Ting area.

Hoping to go and cop soon. It really sucks not having a car these days and having to arrange rides for everything. I'm such an anti-social opiate user that the planning of rides and scoring with other people really does take me out of my comfort zone. At least it's good product we've been getting.
How bout dem double triple quadruple sneezes lol
Lol fuckin hate em. My least favorite though is the inability to maintain homeostasis. Like shit, am I hot or am I cold? An I sweating or shivering? My body can't stay decided. That's the worst part of the physical symptoms IMO
Agreed,its the worst when your at work,one minute your sweating next your,freezing. Man did you see those videos on krocidil in russia,holy fuck that shit is nasty
I always though having to keep your sphincter squeezed constantly was the worst part of WD. Sharting is not a good luck in public
I think the worst is just feelin like shit overall.

The worst? Hard to say.. I hate the insomnia, the intense vomiting, and the inability to even get out of bed to walk three feet to the shower for the first few days. I hope I never have to go through it again.
The sweating....the feeling like rubber...the way everything smells...eck!
dilaudid is awesome to IV, but if you dont do that already DO NOT DO IT. sniffing them is ok, but i think eating them effects me a lot more. anyway, i feel ur pain. i had to move from baltimore, the capital of the world for fire ass dope, to fucking lower delaware. i miss seeing junkies. im gonna have to oder online i suppose. im thinking about going to a meth clinic to meet some new connects. any thoughts on that?
I always though having to keep your sphincter squeezed constantly was the worst part of WD. Sharting is not a good luck in public

hahahahah made my day. thats my problem during the day, then RLS at night with insomnia. sleeping pills guys. any you can get ur hands on. diphendydramine, melatonin, whatever. i had a girl that gave me 50 trazadones and they were a miracle. if you dont have to worry about drug tests and money issues, definitely get some benzos and weed. Also, idk if you guys fuck with "spice" but smoking spice with about 2mg of clonazepam had me LEANIN. not quite in a dope way, but in a fun way lol.

also, idk how the hell you guys can do this while ur sick. hearing about other peoples wd's made it ten times worse for me. im very glad i quit 2 months ago, i feel normal as hell now. i strongly suggest it. its not as bad as you think. i was iv around a gram a day, from baltimore. the best shit i ever did. ive been to philly, chicago, LA, florida... and nothing comes close to baltimore. i cold turkey'd that bitch with a fuck ton of sleeping pills and im great not
Yeah! I did see that! What was that shit made of? Wasn't it like dope+gasoline+eye drops all mixed together and shot up. Apparently krokodil is to heroin what crack is to coke...at least that's the analogy I've been using to explain it to people haha
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