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RCs Pyrazolam Megathread

Could Pyrazolam be an effective hypnotic after a night on stims? I hate not being able to sleep when I want to. Etizolam didn't really do that for me, just made me feel like a wet towel. Also felt really slow the day after due to (I think) etizolam's incredibly long half-time.
The metabolite of etizolam has a half life of 8 hours , pyrazolam by comparison felt like diphenhydramine.
Very groggy the next day.

Anyone with positive Trip Reports or experiences? Because I dont like it so far.
Pyrazolopyrimidine class of drug most likely. One of the newer anxiolytic chemicals I'd guess but who knows? Trademarked names like Camphetamine for fuck sake? It's all a bit smoke and mirrors with RC's these days.
Well naturally, I'd purchase some as soon as possible. I always do with new compounds, especially when the price seems to be something that will fly up at the same rate as the knowledge of the substance. I will just hold off trying it until more it known.

I can't seem to find an exact match to this RC in any journals on the Internet though. There are close compounds, but not this exact one. Does that strike anyone else as odd too, them going for a totally new chemical over one of the hundreds that are established yet still legal?

there isn't that many legal benzo analogs for the UK is there?
who said there is no downers in the RC scene ? u have benzo likes, pcp likes, keta likes, and opioids (like BF and other fentanyl derivatives)
and even more downers like high doses of Mulungu in ethnobotanic scene <38:)|
I miss kava kava. helped my anxiety really well. wounder why it got banned over here in the UK
So you're saying the vendor etizolam is better than etilaam and other branded stuff? Interesting.

I was wondering about the thieno / benzo thing actually - I was under the impression that etizolam was legal because it wasn't actually a benzo, but if pyrazolam is legal too then I guess I was wrong.

no it is not the 1mg etilaam crap on the 2mg red pellets had both to compare and the 2mg reds were alot better then any home pressed etizolam they couldent hold a candle to etizolam so it seems this is a bust :/
Actually, yeah, last time I bought etizolam it was loose tablets in a baggie but they were definitely etilaam. I wondered why they bothered to take them out of the original packaging.

Pity about the Pyra - I'll let you know how I get on with mine on Monday. Also, I'll be giving some to a friend who has no tolerance, so it'll interesting to see what they do for him.

because some lawyers have interpreted the FDA laws and it could be deemed illegal if sold in a medication packet(what a major etiz vendor told me) selling inta brand etizolam pellets is the safest way to sell them
1. Demoxepam isnt very new and its basically nordiazepam (i have a post about this if you want to find out more).

What worries me is that unlike etizolam or phenazepam this benzo is not used in any country! Also there isnt even a wikkipedia article on it. There is no place to see the pharmacology or at least half life and such.

Is this a purely RC benzo? (as in not used in medicine?)
An acquaintence of mine actually synthed this so i can attest to it's safety.

He is a very well versed chemist.
Could Pyrazolam be an effective hypnotic after a night on stims? I hate not being able to sleep when I want to. Etizolam didn't really do that for me, just made me feel like a wet towel. Also felt really slow the day after due to (I think) etizolam's incredibly long half-time.

Etizolam is about the shortest acting benzo ive ever had and ive had most of them. I dont know where you are getting your information but it's wrong.
1. Demoxepam isnt very new and its basically nordiazepam (i have a post about this if you want to find out more).

What worries me is that unlike etizolam or phenazepam this benzo is not used in any country! Also there isnt even a wikkipedia article on it. There is no place to see the pharmacology or at least half life and such.

Is this a purely RC benzo? (as in not used in medicine?)

^ All benzos are structurally similar to each other. Just because pyrazolam has a chemical structure similar to triazolam it doesn't mean that it will be like triazolam or that it will be as short acting as triazolam. Alprazolam and triazolam are very close structurally, but effect wise they are like day and night. The tiniest change in a molecule can produce great differences between drugs.
1. Demoxepam isnt very new and its basically nordiazepam (i have a post about this if you want to find out more).

What worries me is that unlike etizolam or phenazepam this benzo is not used in any country! Also there isnt even a wikkipedia article on it. There is no place to see the pharmacology or at least half life and such.

Is this a purely RC benzo? (as in not used in medicine?)

According to the interweb, demoxepam is the active metabolite of chlordiazepoxide therefore would be 'norchlordiazepoxide'? No? Stand to be corrected - those GCSE grade B's don't equal a PHD, granted. Would be very interested in this if it eventually came to market, Librium has been a good friend to me in the past
Librium is a very dangerous drug. It cloggs the body and is not a very safe drug to use. You have be have blood levels checked frequently and has a very low mergin of safety.
^ i've never heard of this. where do you have this information from? would be cool if you could post a link.
Librium is a very dangerous drug. It cloggs the body and is not a very safe drug to use. You have be have blood levels checked frequently and has a very low mergin of safety.

Sure you're not just confusing it with Lithium? I believe they have to check your white blood cells. I guess if you have a legitimate source of info, consider me wrong haha.

I'm disappointed pyrazolam is turning out to be useless for therapeutic or recreational reasons...
yeah, chlordiazepoxide is a fairly mild benzo, and to the best of my knowledge not more or less toxic that any other of the classic benzos.
Sure you're not just confusing it with Lithium? I believe they have to check your white blood cells. I guess if you have a legitimate source of info, consider me wrong haha.

I'm disappointed pyrazolam is turning out to be useless for therapeutic or recreational reasons...

Yes. Your right I was thinking lithium not Librium.

Lithium is very toxic and has caused severe permanent damage to patients.

Librium for anxiety fairly safe.

Lithium for bipolar very toxic.

Haha. On my drug book it has a warning for look a like sound alike warning.

It looks like lithium is is only in generic and is advised to be give in a medical facility that can check levels often.

My apologies for my error.