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who's been sentence or arrested for a drug offence?

Good thread

Ive never been arrested (knocking on wood) for narcotics but have come close. About three weeks ago I was in an abandoned house here in Detroit where some friends have been squatting. Its obvious that this is a house of users.
Cops walk in the house as they have in the past and handcuff all three of us and put us in different corners. I almost never have drugs (knocking on wood again) on me but this time i had a vial of ketamine in my back pocket along with my syringes and a couple grams of wee which I had a medical card for. One copfinds all my shit and another cop walks me in the back room where I start to get nervous. Im not sure if hes gonna kick my teeth in or what. He gets me back there and asks me where the dope is. I told him no one has any here. He wants to know what dealer on the street right now has dope. I just want outta the cuffs, I hem and haw thenafter he agrees to forget about the ketamine I tell him of a spot I used to go to but know nobody uses anymore.The cops unhook everyone and walk out leaving all my shit on the bed where they found it. 15 minutes later my friend shows up to pick up his ketamine.
I know that wasnt exactly on topic but thought it a good story.

Good luck if you have to go in. Dont make eye contact with anyone inside. They figure you either want to fight or fuck which you obviously have no interest in either, nor would I.

As I understand it, here in the states you generally only go to prison if your serving more than 2 years. Prison and county jail are worlds apart. Your probably only going to a jail, whatever that is down under. Jail is a cakewalk compared to prison unless your doing a lot of years, then you want to go to prison where you have many more privledges.

Good Luck Bro. Fuck a war on drugs
"couple of grams of wee"? i haven't heard that slang before. you talking about cannabis??

also, excuse my ignorance - but i wasn't aware there was a differentiation between "prison" and "jail". is that a stateside thing?

edit - hahahaha - you meant to say "weed" right? shit, it's past my fucking bedtime :)
Hey Guys,
Im facing the court early next month on a supply cannabis charge and am pleading guilty. My lawyer said expect 12 to 18 months due to my record. I know its a bit off topic and pm me if you could but Im after advice on surviving my time inside with as little problems as possible, from those members that have done time themselves. Im 30yo 6"2 and a skinny 85kg, my last fight was 2 decades ago as I get along with almost everyone and dont attract that kind of trouble. I will be sentenced in Sydney, any thoughts would be much appreciated.

What's your record and how much were you caught with (if you can answer that publicly)? 12 to 18 months for cannabis supply seems fucking harsh.
Doctors do have their own "private stash". Start prescribing certain drugs as you please and alarm bells start going off and you suddenly find yourself having to explain in front of your peers. Medicine is a competitive profession. There are hundreds of people applying for every training position. Morals, ethics, decision making and whether you wipe your arse front to back or not can be the difference between walking the rest of your days in recovery ward or studying in a field that really interests you. I'd be fucked if I'd let some selfish addict dictate whether or not I can progress further in my chosen job.

Heavy narcotics and opiates are reserve for terminal cancer and other malignancy's. You are fucking kidding yourself if you think a few broken bones and whiplash compares to the pain those poor fuckers are going through.

Who said that it is comparable pain? That doesn't mean that I don't need or shouldn't get something better than panadeine forte, I wasn't asking for high strength OxyContin or something. I never said they should dole out super strong painkillers like they are candy, but just because someone has a tolerance from drug use doesn't mean they aren't entitled to decent pain relief and obviously tolerance means they need slightly stronger drugs. Just because you happen to have different drugs of choice doesn't mean everyone who likes opiates should have to suffer down the line because doctors are tight as fuck with drugs even when their use IS warranted. I don't think a doctor is going to get in any shit for prescribing me OxyNorm when I got multiple breaks requiring surgery but they still wont do it, yet if I was a 50 year old woman complaining of bloody headaches theres a reasonable chance they would hand it out, thats bullshit imho.

Again you bring up drug addicts, it isn't just drug addicts mate, I don't even use opiates that regularly and tolerance has been an issue for me and I don't feel I should be punished because I happen to have enjoyed a nod before, I know a lot of people are in the same boat. I am actually lucky in that my tolerance isn't super high and the doctors actually relented and gave me something better than panadeine forte or tiny amounts of Tramadol, for many this isn't the case. It isn't about me anyway, I can suck it up (just don't see why anyone should have to when there are plenty effective medications for pain), I just think its really ignorant of you to insinuate that opiate users think they are "special" when it comes to needing more painkillers, when all we want is the same pain relief anyone else is entitled to, it just so happens in most cases for the opiate user that requires slightly stronger drugs.

If you were to suffer PTSD somehow and LSD and/or MDMA were used as a treatment, I wonder how you would feel if tolerance accumulated to those drugs stopped the standard clinical dose being effective for you, would you deserve to live with PTSD because you have enjoyed yourself in the past? Something tells me you would want a higher dose too. One of my pet peeves is certain drug users looking down on others and you really seem to do that. Your DOC doesn't make you better than someone else with a different DOC.

Anyway I am not going to derail this any further. Your lack of compassion as a medical practitioner is pretty concerning though, I feel sorry for your patients.
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I don't think a doctor is going to get in any shit for prescribing me OxyNorm when I got multiple breaks requiring surgery but they still wont do it, yet if I was a 50 year old woman complaining of bloody headaches theres a reasonable chance they would hand it out, thats bullshit imho.


You will find that isn't the case. There are tight controls on these drugs for everyone, not because they can not be prescribed safely, but rather because people abuse them recreationally. You say it is none of their business but you are the reason for the restrictions, not because some 50 yr old migraine patient overdosed in the past. You act like most doctors aren't aware of the better options for pain mangement, as if it is the AMA themselves that set the rules. Reality is the restrictions are government (and to a lesser extent probably police) led.

Why would a doctor risk their career?
You will find that isn't the case. There are tight controls on these drugs for everyone, not because they can not be prescribed safely, but rather because people abuse them recreationally. You say it is none of their business but you are the reason for the restrictions, not because some 50 yr old migraine patient overdosed in the past. You act like most doctors aren't aware of the better options for pain mangement, as if it is the AMA themselves that set the rules. Reality is the restrictions are government (and to a lesser extent probably police) led.

Why would a doctor risk their career?

Don't act like these drugs are prescribed exactly based on the needs of the patient, for every patient with genuine pain being told to piss off and take some panadeine, there's another who's been diagnosed with condition X and had boxes of oxycodone or morphine thrown at them either without even asking or far in excess of what they genuinely need, because doctors make these calls based on stereotypes and snap judgments, not indepth assessments of the situation. So if you don't fit a neat diagnosis for condition X or fit the right demographic, then then you could be on the floor screaming in agony and they'd just give you a kick, throw a box of panadol at you and tell you to stop faking it (and that'll be $69.99 for the consultation please). Meanwhile other patients are having truckloads of these pills thrown at them without even asking and often not even wanting them.

The irony being that the latter patients often end up being the ones selling their meds to the former patients or recreational users at a substantial markup. Why wouldn't they, once they realize they can make almost as much as (if not more than) the average wage just handing off the meds that are piling up?
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You will find that isn't the case. There are tight controls on these drugs for everyone, not because they can not be prescribed safely, but rather because people abuse them recreationally. You say it is none of their business but you are the reason for the restrictions, not because some 50 yr old migraine patient overdosed in the past. You act like most doctors aren't aware of the better options for pain mangement, as if it is the AMA themselves that set the rules. Reality is the restrictions are government (and to a lesser extent probably police) led.

Why would a doctor risk their career?

Can you explain exactly how a doctor would be risking their career by prescribing medium strength narcotics to someone with a documented injury that clearly causes a cobsiderable amount of pain? It's honestly a ridiculous claim, if the patient has legitimate use for the meds I struggle to see what trouble the doctor is goin to get into, it doesn't really add up mate... Especially when, as Crankinit pointed out, plenty of "trustworthy" stereotypes have these drugs thrown at them like its nothing, doctors clearly have a lot more ability to prescribe these drugs without consequences than you make out or there wouldn't be so many cases of people in certain demographics that are overprescribed these drugs (and quite often sell them). If the doctor is likely to get caught in shit for anything its a patient selling their meds, not using them recreationally (pretty hard to get caught abusing your script in the privacy of your own home. In my opinion an experience a poor old pensioner is a LOT more likely to be selling some or all of their pain meds to supplement their income than an employed 20 something year old, yet its the latter who will be discriminated against prescription wise.

I also fail to see how I am the reason for the restrictions? I have used opiates recreationally but none that were prescribed to me. Scratch that, I did down a bottle of codeine linctus a few weeks ago that I was prescribed, that was for a cough though, not pain (and worth noting that as far as my GP knows it was used as prescribed). I have never sold prescription opiates either, prescribed or otherwise. I honestly think the problem is physicians like you that look down on opiate users and who grossly exaggerate the risks to themselves for prescribing anything harder than codeine or maybe tramadol. In my mind doctors are supposed to help people suffering and its extremely shit and uncompassionate to put the fact you may have the inconvenience of having to explain to someone higher than you why a particular patient genuinely needed some decent strenth opiates ahead of the suffering of patients you are supposed to be helping.

I guess it's lucky your education is already paid for, because as you pointed out in this thread you were all too happy to provide drugs of potential abuse for your own benefit, it's just too bad as a doctor you aren't willing to do the same for the benefit of others. 8)
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I would absolutely hate a drug record with licence plate readers that all the states are getting now.

I watch those UK police shows where they have a cameraman in the car with them, and most of the time when
the licence plate reader alarm goes it's only because the owner of the vehicle has a 'drugs marker' on him, and he's been done on a drugs charge previously.

So they stop and search people with previous drug history. I would be so paranoid I could not possibly ever have an illicit substance in my vehicle ever once I have a drugs record and the thought of random police stops FOREVER until you die [or somehow change your name] would be constantly nagging me.
Can you explain exactly how a doctor would be risking their career by prescribing medium strength narcotics to someone with a documented injury that clearly causes a cobsiderable amount of pain? It's honestly a ridiculous claim, if the patient has legitimate use for the meds I struggle to see what trouble the doctor is goin to get into, it doesn't really add up mate... Especially when, as Crankinit pointed out, plenty of "trustworthy" stereotypes have these drugs thrown at them like its nothing, doctors clearly have a lot more ability to prescribe these drugs without consequences than you make out or there wouldn't be so many cases of people in certain demographics that are overprescribed these drugs (and quite often sell them). If the doctor is likely to get caught in shit for anything its a patient selling their meds, not using them recreationally (pretty hard to get caught abusing your script in the privacy of your own home. In my opinion an experience a poor old pensioner is a LOT more likely to be selling some or all of their pain meds to supplement their income than an employed 20 something year old, yet its the latter who will be discriminated against prescription wise.

I also fail to see how I am the reason for the restrictions? I have used opiates recreationally but none that were prescribed to me. Scratch that, I did down a bottle of codeine linctus a few weeks ago that I was prescribed, that was for a cough though, not pain (and worth noting that as far as my GP knows it was used as prescribed). I have never sold prescription opiates either, prescribed or otherwise. I honestly think the problem is physicians like you that look down on opiate users and who grossly exaggerate the risks to themselves for prescribing anything harder than codeine or maybe tramadol. In my mind doctors are supposed to help people suffering and its extremely shit and uncompassionate to put the fact you may have the inconvenience of having to explain to someone higher than you why a particular patient genuinely needed some decent strenth opiates ahead of the suffering of patients you are supposed to be helping.

I guess it's lucky your education is already paid for, because as you pointed out in this thread you were all too happy to provide drugs of potential abuse for your own benefit, it's just too bad as a doctor you aren't willing to do the same for the benefit of others. 8)

Yup, in my years of using opiates, every single time I've come across someone selling a script it's been a non-user who was given them without even asking for them or vastly over-prescribed because they fit a certain demographic, then realized they can double or triple their income by selling the pills off. Either that or medical personnel themselves who divert them directly from their workplace.

The idea of the 'doctor shopper' as a young addict who hits up doctor after doctor looking for prescriptions then consuming them/selling them off is, in my experience, more or less a fiction in Australia. But because that fiction exists doctors discriminate against anyone who fits a particular profile which results in a lot of people being under-treated for pain while having no effect in stemming the flow of prescription medication onto the black market. Going off the current situation, you'd think it was impossible for anyone young, and especially male or fitting a certain socio-economic bracket, to experience pain, which is of course absurd.

The irony is that these people then resort to the black market to get the treatment they need, creating a new generation of users who buy their meds off those who fit the proper demographic and are therefore over-prescribed. And round and round the cycle goes.
Yup, in my years of using opiates, every single time I've come across someone selling a script it's been a non-user who was given them without even asking for them or vastly over-prescribed because they fit a certain demographic

Yeah, My Aunty has a pain problem, and she's been on tramadol for years. She is perfectly happy with them, believes they help stop the pain, but her dr has been trying to get her off them and on to stronger drugs for ages. Last week he simply stopped prescribing her tramadol saying 'these are not the right pain medicaton for you' and she's been prescribed methadone tablets instead. METHADONE!!!

a Dr FORCING her from a safe medication to something that she can become addicted too and never wanted. If the situation arose she would likely exchange her methadone for tramadol. So this is exactly what you're talking about.

ps does anyone know about these methadone tablets? I never knew there was such a thing, just methadone used IV in hospitals for pain
Yeah, My Aunty has a pain problem, and she's been on tramadol for years. She is perfectly happy with them, believes they help stop the pain, but her dr has been trying to get her off them and on to stronger drugs for ages. Last week he simply stopped prescribing her tramadol saying 'these are not the right pain medicaton for you' and she's been prescribed methadone tablets instead. METHADONE!!!

a Dr FORCING her from a safe medication to something that she can become addicted too and never wanted. If the situation arose she would likely exchange her methadone for tramadol. So this is exactly what you're talking about.

ps does anyone know about these methadone tablets? I never knew there was such a thing, just methadone used IV in hospitals for pain

That's a fucking joke mate, your aunt needs to go back and have a strong word with her doctor about why he's prescribing her something far more powerful that she neither wants no needs and will have a hell of a time getting off when the time comes. It sounds like something fishy is happening there, even if the tramadol is causing side effects or interactions with other meds (as it's been known to do, though you said she's perfectly happy so it doesn't sound like that's the issue) there are far more suitable options than jumping straight to methadone.

But yeah it comes in tablets, 10mg instant release iirc.

On the bright side, they're worth quite a bit if she feels like supplementing her income, so there's that 8)
"couple of grams of wee"? i haven't heard that slang before. you talking about cannabis??

also, excuse my ignorance - but i wasn't aware there was a differentiation between "prison" and "jail". is that a stateside thing?

edit - hahahaha - you meant to say "weed" right? shit, it's past my fucking bedtime :)

Here in the States where putting people in prison has become a big business in the past 15 yrs or so, thats the worst. We have mandatory minimum sentences for getting caught with crack cocaine but if you get caught with powder its a much lighter sentence. Prison is hardcore. You make a life inside. If your a small pretty dude you can pretty much know that your gonna wind up some other dudes bitch. If your looking at a long sentence and you feel you can handle yourself/defend yourself then you would want to go to prison. Jail is generally for under two years inside. Its a state issue and not a federal. The feds dont put people in jail, they put them in prison. ve never been to prison but if I had to do two years Id rather go to prison. Jail in the states has almost no smuggled tobacco, no decent food, and little privledges in general. I live within 2 miles of two county jails and have spent time in both and of course it sucked but you hear stories of bein in prison and wish you were there instead of county jail (if you knew you only had to do 90 days there LOL).

Yes, meant to say weed.
they have got ya there busty ;) fair n square...

Not one of them has admitted to becoming addicted to painkillers because they were pushed or over prescribed by their DR. Their addiction was their own creation not the medical community. The system works. It exists to prevent the prescriber ghettos that now exists in the USA.

Beside doctors job is to treat illness, not mask it's symptoms. Surely treating the cause of pain is their priority not sending you on your way still with the underlying cause?

I grew up in a different time. I lost count of the number of booze buses I blew 0.0 at while being the designated driver for my mates. None of them even concerned themselves with me being high as a kite so long as I was courteous and didn't giggle like an idiot. I may have been lucky by your standards but reality was I knew how to play the system and never raised suspicion. Like I mentioned earlier it is a war on drugs and today policing has become less naive. How often do you hear of drug couriers being discovered after being pulled over speeding or driving an unlicensed car? The smart criminals are the ones who don't give them a sniff. Who was the most successful, Carl Williams who everyone knew was a dirt bag or Mr X, owner of large successful family owned business who pays his taxes, donates to the local school while still running millions of dollars of coke via Vanuatu or Fiji?
1. First of all, FUCK OFF BUSTY, you and your fucken arrogent attitude. You are NOT better than then rest of us. Clearly at one stage or another in the past, you were a drug USER/ABUSER etc. Maybe you are sobre and clean now. BUT that does not make you better than the rest of us. I am sick of reading your condecending posts here in Aus DD. why dont you fuck off and go post in the lounge where you belong.

2. Not only you make posts against other regular posters you also make disrespectful/arrogent/ignorant posts against other mods and SENIOR mods of Aus Drug Discusion. I've had enough of your bullshit.

3. All in favour of Banning Busty from posting in AUDD please reply after this post and say FUCK YES!

/end rant
Unfortunately if you look back at the last dozen moderators here there aren't many who still post. Too many have either had to give up because their lifestyle caught up with them or were shipped off to rehab/psych ward. This isn't disrespect because several of these guys are my friends and know that I would do anything for them (well, except write them a script). If these are your role models I'm fine with that, but don't expect me to jump on the band wagon of excess and abuse and celebrate it. I plan to live and enjoy life for decades yet and with any luck I'll still enjoy chipping away at some of lifes edgier pursuits rather trhan burn out and become a poster child for the anti drug brigade.

I am a recreational drug user and I am happy with that. For me recreational means fun. Some of you have seriously sucked the enjoyment out of using drugs and it's sad. I couldn't care less about any ones personal drug use but this place has always been a harm reduction forum, and I'll continue to post my personal opinion for as long as I please.
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Not one of them has admitted to becoming addicted to painkillers because they were pushed or over prescribed by their DR. Their addiction was their own creation not the medical community. The system works. It exists to prevent the prescriber ghettos that now exists in the USA.

Beside doctors job is to treat illness, not mask it's symptoms. Surely treating the cause of pain is their priority not sending you on your way still with the underlying cause?

But that's not whats happening, they aren't treating the core illness at all, just casting off any patient who claims to be suffering pain but doesn't fit the right profile. That's not treating the symptoms OR the illness, it's just plain negligence.

And then there's Bobbydarren's poor aunt, who's on her way to a methadone addiction, by all accounts significantly harder to deal with than a tramadol one?