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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread

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@wolfspider - i'm not exactly sure what you are asking here.

if you are trying to understand what this thread (and this forum) is about, Bluelight is a harm minimisation forum. rather than accepting the dogmatic approach taken by much of society in regard to drugs, most of us see the most realistic and pragmatic approach to reducing the harms of drugs in society involves open and frank discussion.
yes, there is much fear and shame about drugs in society - and this only makes drug use more risky for those that (for whatever reason) choose to take them.
one of the most revolutionary innovations of the internet is to break down the censorship of what people see, hear, read and say.
rather than street-level drug information being censored or shunned as "illegal activity" or somehow beyond the pale, people now have the freedom to discuss these things - that is where this sort of thread comes in. in a community such as drug-using communities with limited, secretive interactions, these sorts of discussion boards can be very valuable. not only can people share their knowledge about safe ways to consume said substances, they can also learn harm reduction techniques such as testing your drugs, not to mention having myths dispelled.

i don't really understand what much of your post is getting at, though.
"etched in concrete" - i'm not sure i understand. are you saying that people are making comments that they may come to regret, or that may land them in legal trouble?
there has been much discussion in the past regarding the relative safety of posting on sites such as this. so long as individuals don't give too much autobiographical information away, and stick to the various rules that exist on the boards, it is genuinely accepted that we are fairly safe.
there is also a big difference in my mind between the statements (and photographs) about drugs that come from a drug user as opposed to a drug dealer. we are not speaking from a position in organised crime - if anything, most of us here are generally normal (otherwise law-abiding) citizens who happen to take drugs. personally i don't see this as anything to be ashamed of!

i think i speak for most people here in saying that we would rather see healthy debate and discussion of drugs than the sort of censored, misinformed, dogmatic propaganda that passes for much "official" information about drugs.

if we only had information handed down from us from law enforcement and hypocritical governments (taxable drugs: good, all other drugs: bad) then we would all be living in a state of paranoid ignorance.

i'm not sure who these "special police" that you speak of are, but i'm sure tif they wanted to detain anyone, they would find reason to do so regardless of posts on a HR forum.
as i say, i don't really know what you are saying, but i hope i have addressed some of your concerns?
Hi Spacejunk, thanks for the comprehensive response & you have certainly provided me with greater insight into a forum such as this. I have to point out though, that I don't have any "concerns" as such, I am merely curious why (what I can only assume) non-medical laymen would want to discuss a particularly vilified social tabu such as meth-amphetamine in such a cavalier manner when ultimately all such 'discussion' once submitted can never be retracted. And further, then post of images of it! is this like an educational forum, or again am I missing the point?
forgot to add, the "special-police" are the arm of the US Federal Court that has reach into many 'democratic' countries. e.g. dotcom NZ. (admittedly hyperbolic, but once the precedence has been set, where does it end?)
I hope that the people posting pictures are well aware that there exact location/address may be revealed. Checked a few of them and there are a number of them:S
as long as the images posted do not contain large amounts (as the rules state) then there shouldnt be an issue. seriously can you think of why police would waste alot of their manpower and budget chasing down some posters on a forum because of a photo with what appears to be an illegal drug about 1 gram or so, i dont think so...

and if that was the case then every member in this could be targeted. i bet i could find a post written by sustanon that would contain info just as 'damaging as the pic pingertown posted(but has since deleted).

sorry sustanon using you as a reference, no offence
at the end of the day even if something has been written on a social networking page with your name, and someone complains about being harrassed. the police, courts etc still need to proove beyond reasonable doubt that it was actually you who typed it. same goes with photos, how hard is it to find obects in your home that can easily be made to look like some top quality crystal meth or cocaine or MDMA? i bet most BL'ers could think of many.
Hi Spacejunk, thanks for the comprehensive response & you have certainly provided me with greater insight into a forum such as this. I have to point out though, that I don't have any "concerns" as such, I am merely curious why (what I can only assume) non-medical laymen would want to discuss a particularly vilified social tabu such as meth-amphetamine in such a cavalier manner when ultimately all such 'discussion' once submitted can never be retracted. And further, then post of images of it! is this like an educational forum, or again am I missing the point?

I'm also a bit fuzzy and what the point of your comments are? I don't think everyone here is so paranoid that they are going to be tracked down by the police for talking about amphetamines. as spacejunk has said, no one here is discussing how to synthasise, or traffic it, nor are we discussing topics like terrorism which might really draw the attention of the police.

i think your actually a bit shocked that people are talking about meth. so? this is a drug discussion and harm minimisation forum, with drug users as it primary member base. what do you expect?
as long as the images posted do not contain large amounts (as the rules state) then there shouldnt be an issue. seriously can you think of why police would waste alot of their manpower and budget chasing down some posters on a forum because of a photo with what appears to be an illegal drug about 1 gram or so, i dont think so...

and if that was the case then every member in this could be targeted. i bet i could find a post written by sustanon that would contain info just as 'damaging as the pic pingertown posted(but has since deleted).

sorry sustanon using you as a reference, no offence

Never said that they will knock ur door down just for a measly few points of shards but I hope u are aware that investigations are usually sparked/started at end users and u wouldnt want to be caught up in that. I have read and know people whos door got knocked down because they had a tiny tiny amount. Most people who post on here have otehr shit too on them including paraphernalia which could be incriminating. They try to flip the end users. Not to mention the shame. Nothing wrong with posting pictures but like I said be aware how you do it as it can reveal ur information and ur address. With so many tweaked out cunts desperate for a hit of that shit who are willing to snatch a handbag that contains 20-50 bux Id be concerned abou them knowing my exact address too. You might say its an overkill or I'm paranoid but its better to be safe than sorry at the end.
Had the best shard of my life last night. Seroquel couldnt even put me down. Loving life

Update: Sero didnt even put me down ~12 hours after my last pipe
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I've edited the pictures so that there isn't anything in the properties that is going to have the 5-0 knocking on my door.
Edited my posts on first page to show them again :)
I rarely do speed but i might get some tomorrow. only had 3 dexies today. havnt touched amphetes for ages but im liken just the dexies. its going well with the 250mg of temazepam ive had. now im drinking port & coke.
i think it was only 15mg of dex i had. (Ive had 150mg before i think, but i think they were time released) anyway just from this small amount of dex i can breath easy & im focused. I wanna get prescribed 30mg of dex a day cuz the AP Zyprexa i take every night leaves me tired. anyone else notice they can breath really easy on amphetes? must be its decongest action. after all its made from pseodeoephedrine (sorry about the spelling) which is a decongestant. so im assuming so it meth. i suffer from asthma & amphets always make my asthma go away.
I've seen users post pics on this forum so hopefully this is no issue here . . . could someone post a pic or tell me how much shard , on average for your average smoker would put into his / her pipe ?? I've read answers such as "yeah about x grams" which dosnt help me at all as measurments and my brain do not mix. Or maybe suggest how much pipes on average would be smoked with a half gram of ice. but a link to a photo would be fantastic if possible. thanks
Michael: How longs a piece of string????

depending on everyones taste etc etc.

if i was sharing the pipe in a group of ppl I may put up to like 1 point which is 100mg of shardy etc to ensure it can be passed around the whole group and it would not be empty half way passing thru the group :)

if i'm having a burn by my self maybe i'd put in 30mgs which is liek 1/3rd of a point :)
Is the quality of ice getting shittier and shittier for people? The ice these days in my area is just shithouse, I remember like 3-4 years ago whacking up 1 point would like give you the fattest rush and would keep you up for days. Nowadays I need like 2 points or more just to get a decent rush.
I got smoked up for free on the weekend. i won't complain too much coz it was free but in my limited experience of ice, it wasnt the best. probably ended up having the equivalent of a point to a point and a half to myself all up. the effects werent all that strong, but I didnt sleep until a day later (and even then sleeping pills were necessary). I did have some MDMA and pills soon after, so this could of made the effects less noticeable.

The crystals were a whitish colour, not the usual clear and crushed glass style shards I'm used too.

Anyway, still gave me a pretty brutal comedown. I think I'll be keeping away from hitting either of those drugs hard for a while, just do them very infrequently. to be honest the depression and anxiety for the next few days wasnt worth it.
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