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Chicago Heroin

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Bluelight Crew
Oct 22, 2009
You've asked for it, and here it is! Back from the grave it's the chi dope thread

-No sourcing
-No specific places. This means streets or descriptions using landmarks.
-Help us keep these threads open- report questionable posts!!!!
-Don't be a complete moron.
-Of course all BLUA and NASADD guidelines apply here too.

Have fun, play nice
Chi town dope thread was by far the best heroin thread to read. Mods have fun with this thread cause chi junkies go hard in this thread. This thread just gave me a reason to check back in here mo often
Is this for real? Pretty much the only reason i came here. I'm glad its up but lets keep up there was a lot of good dope discussion and history on the scene here in chicago.

i saw this thread and was like damn chinky will be happy

cant please em all i guess
kill this shit..

it aint the same, we lost the posters and nasadd* aint as laid back and cool as it was, its way too strict nowadays

a history lesson wouldnt be bad but this wont be the same as the OG chi dope thread

its better to go out of top and not tarnish the legacy that was the CHI DOPE THREAD

i thought you of all people were gona be happy about this thread!
Enough of the derailing. You've made your point over and over and over and over and over again. We get it. There will not be another page of Chinky's opinion.

In case everyone missed it the first fifteen times Chinky is worried about greenlighters PM sourcing. Oh God what will we do!?!?!?
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If anyone wants to whine about our decision to bring this thread back then feel free to PM any of the NASADD mods.
Lol, damn Chinky we just can't make you happy can we?
I know what you mean about how a revival of a once awesome thread isn't the same and ends up being shitty- I can totally relate with the new OD social, that place sucks balls. As strange as it is, I totally saw this going exactly this way when we decided to bring it back too I just knew it. You're right, NASADD is stricter now, it's the only way to keep in check with the BLUA, this place was out of control before and if that's the only reason the old thread was great then I guess it will never be the same.

Originally Posted by chinky, 31-12-2011 00:22 (Massachusetts Heroin):

how about the fact that they closed almost all the city/state threads over a year ago and placed a ban on creating new ones?

cause if they allow this then bring back the fuckin chicago thread and the nj thread and all the other threads they closed on us

I understand that you don't like this new thread, but it almost seems to me that you're just looking to complain about something... This post was what, 3 weeks ago? That was just before we decided to bring back the beloved Chi dope thread, and now that it's back you're gonna bitch about that too? I'm not trying to be an asshole or bitch you out, but come on man do you see how that's kind of fucked? Pick your battles. If you're upset that's fine but please just chill out a little huh? No need to get all bitchy
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Idk man, let it go. Let's all get off it. Back on topic
So yeah, heroin in Chicago. How about that shit?
at least one of you guys can see where im comin from without being a dick about it..sayin something like "if you dont like it then dont post".

what kind of mod would say that shit, thats basically saying fuck off, i dont care what you have to say


Aww I'm sorry sweetheart:(
Enough of the derailing. You've made your point over and over and over and over and over again. We get it. There will not be another page of Chinky's opinion.

In case everyone missed it the first fifteen times Chinky is worried about greenlighters PM sourcing. Oh God what will we do!?!?!?

I guess chinkee deleted all his posts and I didn't get to read them!!! Anyhow it looks like this thread's gotten a shitty start, let me bring it back on track.

What a time for this thread to be allowed again! I've just moved back to Chicago after living in Los Angeles for about a year, and the scene out there is waaay different but kinda similar at the same time. Main differences is that LA has waaaaay less cops than Chicago does. LA has a much larger and spread out population, but the LAPD literally has less cops on the force than the CPD. Not sure if it's a budget thing or just less people interesting in becoming a cop out there. Another thing is out there you have the luxury of the tar bags coming in tightly wrapped balloons that are really easy to swallow, making it very hard for them give you a possession charge, not sure if the balloon packaging method would work with powder, it'd make things easier in Chicago and elsewhere.

Since coming back to Chicago after being gone for a year, I sorta feel like there's more cops in the streets, not just in the wild west, but all over the city, but definitely ESPECIALLY out there, and I feel like they have more of a dickish attitude too nowadays, I feel there may be political aspects to this, and it is weird to not have someone named Richard Daley be the mayor of Chicago for the first time in my life just about. I also feel like the open air spots are just not as obviously out there as they used to be, though I'm definitely not down for making a thorough exploration out of it.

Possible explanation for political aspects of bringing up the heat and cracking down:


At first it was gonna be the white house drug czar, but instead Mr. douche bag new mayor decided to bring in a dude from dirty jer-z, and I remember seeing on this forum pictures of new jersey cops basically driving around what looks like tanks.

So my advice would be to stay the fuck out of the west, I seriously think the new mayor is really cracking down on it to make some sort of a statement, not too long ago when I was down there I literally drove past what looked like a SWAT raid with the cops holding MP5 sub-machine guns and assault rifles and whatnot. In the end it may be better for the heroin trade and disperse it into many non-ghetto areas where things can be a lot more hush-hush. I also feel like every year more and more the cops are more willing to do unconstitutional things like pull you over for no reason for a search and take your car away with asset forfeiture.

Other than that I think the eastern part of Humboldt Park is sloooowwly starting to gentrify, I don't think it will happen as quickly as places like Wicker Park and Logan Square 15 years ago because of today's economy, but Humboldt Park is slowly becoming hipsterfied haha, but only on the very eastern edge. This might actually happen more quickly because of the economy since there may be more white people getting paid less, but still looking for a place of their own. I really hope this continues, the more the ghetto gets reduced and the population dispersed, the less violent gang crime there will be, and a lot less obvious to police which cars to pull over. I'm all for gentrification, I think it does much to reduce the racial segregation that still exists in Chicago.

The ghetto might go away, but heroin will NEVER go away.

I'm not hooked on the stuff anymore, but the few times I've gotten stuff lately it overall hasn't been as good as the shit used to be, but it varies a LOT.

I'm very curious to read other people's replies, and how they see the scene to be lately.
^ Does the the mayor in Chicago have any real power or is there a city/county manager?
The mayor of Chicago has quite the power, and according to wikipedia, the state of Illinois grants him quite more power than mayors and whatnot of anywhere else in the state. The mayor appoints the heads of all the public departments including of course the police.


Under Richard M. Daley, the Illinois legislature granted the mayor power to appoint the Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Public Schools and subordinated the district under the mayor's authority; the district had long been an independent political field.

Also this site says he has a "hard on drugs" stance:


He also kinda has a douche bag face, and he did service for the Israeli military so he was very pro-israel when he was a US congressman. I'm not very fond of the idea that the mayor of Chicago is a guy who possibly cares more for a foreign country than this City.

Cook county on the other hand passed the legislation for the whole TASC scheme which is a "diversion" program which means that you don't get a felony conviction on your record for the first time you get arrested with a felony substance like coke or heroin. It's basically a slap on the wrist and a night in jail, and you have to pass a drug test for your court date which is something like 2 weeks or a month after your arrest. After this you have to go to a drug school class which is basically sitting through 3 hours of "drugs are bad, mmmkay?". If you manage to stay out of trouble for 2 or 3 years you're eligible for the program again if you happen to get caught. I think this is a step in the right direction towards decriminalization, and having to be off the shit or go on methadone/suboxone for 2 weeks or a month might not be such a bad thing for someone whose really deep into it. Cook County board president Toni Preckwinkle is fully supportive of the program.

In places like New York state, getting caught with a small amount of shit is only a misdemeanor charge from what I've read, so I think personal consumption charges should still be downgraded from a felony to misdemeanor, IF NOT FULLY DECRIMINALIZED ALTOGETHER.

We also have the draconian asset forfeiture laws at the state and US federal level which means they can straight up take ownership of your car, without you being convicted or even charged of a crime, even if you as the owner are not even in the car, and without a fair trial, if someone happens to have drugs on them while in your car, same goes for your house or apartment where they can literally even take the property away from the landlord. To top it off all proceeds from an auction go right back to the police department. This law is blatantly unconstitutional and more people need to know about this and vote to elect proper candidates into office. So watch out, you just might get carjacked by members of the biggest gang in Chicago: the CPD.
^ That shit is ridiculous, especially about the seizure of your car without even doing anything illegal. But Chicago has been corrupt for a long ass time, but it really is a shame to read about shit like that.

I'm glad the cops here are pretty cool. I have gotten drunk with the police chief of a neighboring town while underage, but he just rides around and drinks in the patrol truck at night. If you get pulled over with drugs, chances are that the charges will get thrown out or either not charged at all, same for drinking and driving. But the cops are starting to crack down on drugs here since the sheriff's son got addicted to OC, his dealer got 40-60 years in prison, so things are personal now.

Do you know if the proceeds from the auctions go to the local police departments or the state? I read an article about police departments pretty much harassing people in hopes of finding drugs so they could seize their shit. If the money goes to the state then the number of drug arrests goes down drastically.

90% goes back to the COPS in IL.

Forfeiture laws are written pretty badly in something like 47 of the states AND the federal government.

Even to contest the seizure in court you have to wait 6 months before a court date, and post 10% of the value of the vehicle for "storage fees" and are basically fucked and have no argument at all if the vehicle is on a lien.

And yeah it might actually not be so bad if the cash actually went towards something like improving inner city schools, but it goes to THE COPS. So you know whatever cop pulls this off is gonna get a fat bonus check.

The legislation basically allows for institutionalized corruption.

I mean I can understand them doing this to big time drug dealers, which was what the law was passed for originally, like seizing nice ass drug boats and stuff from Tony Montana kinda characters. The proceeds should never go back to the cops the law should enforced in a balanced and impartial way.


Everyone from the ACLU to Amnesty International is opposed to these laws and supports challenges to them in courts.

Also makes me think about buying a POS 2,300$ car just for the hood, I also know it'd blend in a lot better down there :).

Perhaps the increased presence and aggressiveness of the police with the involvement of the new mayor is not all my in my head after all, I just saw this on the local news tonight:


So I would recommend staying the fuck out of this area:


This is a full crime map of the entire city of Chicago, provided by the Chicago police department, should give you an idea what areas are hot as fuck and to avoid them if you can:

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