Phenibut Withdrawal


Aug 3, 2010
Are there many people out there with experience with this stuff?

A little history: I've been addicted to opiates for about 5 years, mainly oxycontin and heroin (never shot up). But about 2 years ago I started doing Xanax, then about a year and a half ago my mother died from an overdose and it really made me think about my drug use. Basically I started on Suboxone for the opiate withdrawals, and I had to do Xanax cold turkey which was only about 5 months ago, and I still haven't fully recovered from that.

So about 2.5-3 months ago I started taking Phenibut (Primaforce), because the anxiety from the Xanax Withdrawals (this would have been about 2-3 months into Xanax withdrawal) was too overwhelming. I read reports of Phenibut addiction but it seemed like it was a lighter version of benzo withdrawal but only 5-7 days with another 7-10 day crappy period. But I am worried that it will be much worse for me because of my Xanax history. The thing is, Phenibut affects Gaba-B, while Xanax affects Gaba-A, so I'm hoping that the damage isn't in the same area, and won't take as long to heal, but I am afraid I may being too optimistic, but I'm also depressed right now, so I may also be being negative.

So any experience or thoughts?
Very good question because phenibut is going to be gaining more popularity in the US. Its basically a weaker version of baclofen (muscle relaxer) but it positively affects dopamine levels (raises it). So at the same time it affects Gaba-b making it tranquilizing and dopamine agonist (stimulant).

<snip> It is addictive and you should take breaks. I tend to overuse it and then regret it, but the withdrawal is definitely much more manageable than benzo WD. And if you have any benzos available they will cure your withdrawal mostly.

Don't sweat too much about the brain damage unless you go over 2-3 grams a day consecutively. This drug has been created in my home Russia and it is still considered a nootropic (with positive effects), so phenibut is pretty legit.

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I've extensive experience with both baclofen and phenibut withdrawal.

Neither are fun, but 7 days is the most you're looking at. It's a weird state of mind, I've often heard it compared to ghb withdrawal but not as bad. You won't be able to sleep.

After extensive experimentation I decided neither was worth the pain consistent use caused and have sworn off both of them. I'm currently taking klonopin and have decided that beating around the bush isn't for me.
Wow thanks guys for the quick replies. That really puts my mind at ease. I mean I realize I probably am still going to go through hell. The thing is, people told me that Xanax withdrawal would be over within a month, but I still feel crappy. I'm worried that I will still feel really crappy after all this phenibut stuff is over.

Oh and about dosage, I was doing 4-6 Grams a day, well not to start, but tolerance builds quickly. That was more than I needed though. I'm thinking I may taper down to half a gram over two weeks then stop, but I can't get any until monday anyways so I'll see how these 3 days without it get me.

I could take a few benzos to take the edge off, but I'm really afraid of doing those, I've done a few valiums and oxemazepams since my xanax ordeal, but ironically taking those gave me panic attacks because it made me think of how crappy those months of xanax withdrawal were.
Never had a chance to try ghb/gbl. I so badly do just to compare.

Yes I am taking Klonopin as of now as well. Nothing can beat klons.
For me its Clonazepam > Lyrica> Gabapentin > Phenibut> Anti-depressants > Sitting at home doing nothing
Oh about the dreams, I haven't had too many vivid dreams til lately. Only recently has my sleep started returning, which is another thing that scares me about the phenibut, I don't want to get too hooked and then not be able to sleep for months like with Xanax. But the other night I dreamt I was driving in the snow, veered off the side of the road and flipped the car and crashed, then it went black, and I couldn't move for about 10 minutes (sleep paralysis), and all of a sudden I just shook myself and woke up out of it. It was scary, and I don't really get nightmares.
The thing is, I don't have health insurance, so I got all these drugs on the street. It sucks because I might actually need some sort of anxiety medication to get through life, but I can't find out or afford to get prescriptions without insurance.
I promise you will be fine, especially if you taper. Gabanergics are tough when it comes to withdrawal but make sure you gradually lower the dose every day or two. Ohh and don't get carried away one day and be like ohh i can handle 6 grams again. Thats a lot, when I took that much I did not feel well the next day.

Nothing wrong with using a little bit of benzos but once again conserve them for more important stuff because phenibut addiction is tough but manageable. Basically walk it off and don't be a pussy. =D
The thing is, I don't have health insurance, so I got all these drugs on the street. It sucks because I might actually need some sort of anxiety medication to get through life, but I can't find out or afford to get prescriptions without insurance.

I'm with you on this front. It really is a horrible thing to be dependent on a drug for your health and not have the means to acquire for some frivolous reason like lack of insurance. Right now I have one klonopin left. I gave it to my mother, so I wouldn't take it. I'm saving it for a job interview. I've been taking wellbutrin which oddly enough has helped a great deal with attention and depression issues. I have severe social anxiety/add/post-traumatic stress disorder if you need to label my symptoms with some kind of "psycho-babble."

Gapapentin works well as euphoriant but makes me manic, better than nothing.

Phenibut works for 3 days then abruptly stops working, has quite a few unnerving side effects, and isn't approved as a medicine in this country.

Lyrica is about equal to gabapentin but tolerance builds rapidly and is a poor substitute for Klonopin.

Atypical antipsychotics are the devil and should be stomped out of existence aside from those who are truly out of their heads.

SRI/SNRI's are sugar pills and detrimental in the long term. I've been suffering protracted withdrawal from SNRI's for over 8 years now, and have a strong feeling I wouldn't require medication if I hadn't been forced onto them at the tender age of 15, and brought up to 450mg per diem before my 16th birthday. The worst I've ever felt in my life was when I had forgotten to take the damn things and couldn't figure out what was wrong. They didn't warn me at all, it was horrible. It's going to make a fine lawsuit and/or book one day.
I agree with the above except that I fell in love with gabapentin for a period of time. Made me talkative and outgoing which is what I wanted.

SSRI's and SNRI's reeked havok and almost destroyed me while I was experimenting with different ones. They are all pure evil.

BTW they started selling this product with phenibut at whole foods ( not sure if I can say the name on here). So maybe soon we will finally have it more accepted for anxiety because it does a tremendous job.
I agree with you about the gabapentin, I just didn't elaborate on it's effectiveness because I find even though it's great it doesn't hold a candle to clonazapam for anxiety. YMMV
Ohh for sure. Clonazepam is the winner hands down. I like it over xanax and other short acting benzos.
I'm not going to get too optimistic, but it's been 3 days since I've had any Phenibut now, and last night I was having a bit of a panic attack when I made this topic and thought I wasn't going to sleep, but then I did, for 4-6 hours. I've been taking clonidine (not clonazepam) when I feel kind of anxious and it helps. I just hope the rest of it is like this. Although I will say I had some pretty terrible nausea last night, although I didn't throw up, and I was still able to eat (in fact, I just woke up, and I feel like I can still eat). Either the withdrawals haven't hit me yet, or they aren't nearly as bad as I expected.
Just in case anyone else happens to go through something similar, clonidine really does seem to be helping. I've noticed it helps with nearly any kind of withdrawal, opiate and benzos mainly, and I know they prescribe it for alcohol withdrawals. Like I said earlier, I'm a little nauseous, but I did get a little bit of sleep and with enough clonidine (.3-.4 mg), I don't really feel much anxiety. The depression is still there. If it gets too bad I can get valiums for a few days, but obviously I'm not trying to substitute one addiction for the other.
Very good question because phenibut is going to be gaining more popularity in the US. Its basically a weaker version of baclofen (muscle relaxer) but it positively affects dopamine levels (raises it). So at the same time it affects Gaba-b making it tranquilizing and dopamine agonist (stimulant).

<snip> It is addictive and you should take breaks. I tend to overuse it and then regret it, but the withdrawal is definitely much more manageable than benzo WD. And if you have any benzos available they will cure your withdrawal mostly.

Don't sweat too much about the brain damage unless you go over 2-3 grams a day consecutively. This drug has been created in my home Russia and it is still considered a nootropic (with positive effects), so phenibut is pretty legit.


I've removed a few bits that could be triggering to people trying to stay away, hope you understand :)

Thank you for the info. It's important to note that while many people consider it harmless, it is a psychoactive drug and one which can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal.. the WDs may not be as bad as some, but they definitely do exist!
Thought I'd post an update. It's been about 4 days since I took my last dose of Phenibut. It says the Half-life is 5 hours, which is weird because it seems to last for about 24 hours, the feeling that is. Anyways, so I'm either on Day 4 or 5 from no Phenibut. It hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I was having ungodly panic attacks at first, mainly because I've been through Xanax withdrawal which lasted months and I was afraid this was going to be similar, since it's also a GABA drug, even though it's B instead of A. Either way, most people say day 4 and 5 were the worst. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, but it wasn't that uncomfortable lying in bed, although I slept in the same room as a family member as I felt a little anxious to be alone. I'd say the most pronounced symptoms I've had are acute anxiety to start, then day 2 and 3, major panic attacks which were helped by taking clonidine, insomnia, and slight depression. The depression thing has been weird, it's like I'm depressed for a few hours, then I'm fine for a few hours, rinse, repeat. The most annoying thing is that even though I want to take my mind off this and watch TV or a movie, it's hard as hell for me to focus on anything, and it makes the day go by so slowly.

Other than that, if this doesn't get any worse over the next day or two, I think I'm in the clear. Like I said in previous post, I don't want to be too optimistic, but I also feel I may have dodged a bullet. That, or the experiences of withdrawal posted online are way over exaggerated. I really wish there were more studies on this stuff.
Another update... I figured I'd update you guys on how I am doing because a lot of the times when I am withdrawing I look for similar experiences online but can't find people who actually keep up with it.

So, yesterday I felt much better than the third, but still rather irratable because I didn't sleep the night before. Last night though, I was able to sleep for pretty much a full 8 hours, constant waking after my melatonin wore off, but then I got up, smoked a bowl and a cigarette, took another clondine, and was able to fall asleep fine. I really think it's the clonidine that's helping me get through this. I don't have many symptoms other than insomnia, sensitive skin (mainly just itching), and it's hard to focus (although on Day 5, it's much easier to focus on somthing I want to do).

All in all, I expect my sleep to return to normal within a week. But I should still be able to get 3-4 hours a night until it returns to normal. (normal for me is about 6-8 hours)

My package of Phenibut is going to come in the mail today, in the next 3 or 4 hours. I really wish I had never reordered it, because I don't want to be tempted to do it. I feel like I can get through this next week fine without it, but you know how hard it is to turn something down when it's right in front of you. Well, I'll just wait until it gets here and see how I feel. I just keep telling myself that if I do anymore, I will have to go through another 4 or 5 days of insomnia and anxiety.
Phenibut is the only drug I've ever flushed down a toilet. You'd be wise to do this.
Phenibut is the only drug I've ever flushed down a toilet. You'd be wise to do this.

Most likely that's what I'll do. I'm in my fifth day, and without the clonidine, my heart would be racing, but I've also been stressed out for weeks, so that's kind of a combination of the anxiety from the Phenibut WD and my stress anxiety. Anyways, I feel rather good, I mean I'm a little anxious, but I slept decent. More than what most people can say when coming off this stuff, which is why I was rather afraid of some kind of delayed affect. I still expect to feel weird for the next week or two, but even thinking about the shipment of Phenibut coming in the mail in the next hour makes me kind of feel dirty. Whoever in this topic said that it feels dirty was right. I didn't realize it, but that's one of the reasons I wanted to get off of it so badly, that and it's a GABA drug. The reason I think my W/Ds weren't all that bad was mainly the clondine, but even with that, most peoples' seem worse. I think it's because I wasn't actually raising my tolerance. Yeah, I would take 4-6 grams about about half the time for the last month, but most of the time it was 2-2.5 every 1.5-2 days, because I was afraid of building up too much of a tolerance. Even when I was taking it I didn't sleep well, which leads me to believe I was probably not taking enough to keep up with my tolerance, which is like an accidental taper. As long as it gets better from here, I think things will be pretty good.

The reason I created this topic was because I was scared and wanted advice and/or support. I got both, and thank you guys for that, even though with something like this, where there are little studies, what all can you do? Either way, I am gonna post every once in a while for the next week or so to write about my progress. There are just not enough experiences, examples, or research on this substance, so when people get addicted, they freak out because they are addicted to something that no one knows what the hell it is. So it's nice to have one more example on these kinds of sites that tell what someone has gone through. I know reading other peoples' experiences have calmed my mind many a time during withdrawal.

EDIT: Although I'm still itching a bit, it's not terrible, just a little annoying. Then again, since I've felt like crap the past few days, I haven't showered much, so that could be exacerbating that. Off to the shower :\
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I've extensive experience with both baclofen and phenibut withdrawal.

Neither are fun, but 7 days is the most you're looking at. It's a weird state of mind, I've often heard it compared to ghb withdrawal but not as bad. You won't be able to sleep.

After extensive experimentation I decided neither was worth the pain consistent use caused and have sworn off both of them. I'm currently taking klonopin and have decided that beating around the bush isn't for me.

When you say you have had extensive experience with Baclofen and Phenibut, can you elaborate on how much and how long you were doing Phenibut? And Baclofen is similar, but stronger if I'm not mistaken, correct?